
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Review: The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson

Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Released: 2011
Pages: 384
Source: Personal Copy
Rating: 4/5


When Rory’s parents announce that they will be spending a year in England, Rory is given the choice to come or stay behind in Louisiana. Rory decides that she’ll make the best of the situation and move to England, and she opts to study at a boarding school. The day Rory arrives, a young girl is gruesomely murdered mimicking Jack the Ripper’s style. This murder is the first of many murders that corresponds to the first Ripper events, everyone is scared and the city is scrambling. Rory’s parents want to take her out of school, but she insists that she’s safe. As the city waits for the next murder to happen, the school is on lockdown, but Rory sneaks out to spend some time with her boyfriend. Unfortunately, the Ripper’s next victim happens on campus and Rory is sure she saw a man.


The Name of the Star was highly entertaining and very creepy. Maureen Johnson had me sucked in from the very beginning. I thought Rory was a great character. She had a great personality, and couldn’t wait to start boarding school. Although, she comes from a small town, her parents always encouraged her to try new things. She was able to settle in and enjoy her time, until the murders were getting closer and closer to the school.

The paranormal aspect of the story wasn’t what I was expecting but I was able to let myself believe and enjoy where the story was going. I thought the story flowed very well and the Ripper was weaved fantastically into the storyline. I was very impressed by Johnson’s writing. If you’re looking for an entertaining, suspenseful read, I would give this one a try.


  1. I don't read much paranormal but the boarding school aspect is very appealing to me.

  2. I have heard some very good things about this book, and it sounds as if you were really enamored of it. I need to see if my library has this one on audio. It would probably make for a fantastic listen. Wonderful review today!

  3. This sounds so good. I love Johnson's writing!

  4. I've seen this one around and am tempted by it, although I don't usually read paranormal. You make it sound worthwhile. And the cover really draws me in.

  5. This sounds like a great read and definitely one I'll have to get. :)

  6. This sounds creepy and i liked that it flowed. I was away almost all month on vacation so I am very behind on visiting my favorite posts. We had a good time though. I love the cover on this and its on my wish list..thanks for giving me a reason to bump it up. I truly wish sleep were optional what a waste of time when i could be reading!

  7. I've really enjoyed past reads from Johnson and like the setting, so I'm not sure why I haven't read this one yet! Thanks for reminding me to grab it.

  8. Glad to see you enjoyed this one. I received an unsolicited copy awhile back, and there was something about it that made me keep it instead of passing it on to someone else.
