
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Saturday, November 26, 2011

In My Mailbox

I had a good week this week, and I started to receive some review books for my 2012 Debut Adult Fiction Authors challenge. If you read debut novels from adult fiction authors, and want to sign up...you can do so here. I didn't get much Young Adult Fiction this week, but I have tons that I still need to read. 

Review Books:

A Walk Across the Sun by Corban Addison (2012 Debut Adult Fiction Author)

The Carpenter by Matt Lennox  (2012 Debut Adult Fiction Author)

Ebooks Bought:


  1. I've heard wonderful things about Before I Fall. I have a soft spot in my heart for Wendy Wax - she is an awesome person! Enjoy your new books!

  2. before i fall is great!

    here's my IMM. stop by?!?!



  3. All of these books look so good. I haven't read Before I Fall yet, but I want too. The Carpenter and A Walk Across The Sun look very interesting. I hope that you enjoy your new books!

    Ladybug Storytime

  4. WOo! I was about to get Before I fall this week but I didnt have enough time to wait for the super long cash line lol! Great books my dear!

    My In My Mailbox!

    Happy reading!
    Dazzling Reads

  5. Before I fall is an excellent read, and I hope that you enjoy it. It was a really good book! A Walk Across the Sun looks amazing too, and like something I would love to check out! Lots of great books here today! Enjoy them all!

  6. Before I fall sounds amazing :)
    Happy reading and check out my in my mailbox!

  7. I should really read Before I Fall soon it sounds great and I've had it for a while now. Wonderful haul this week!

    Xpresso Reads

  8. oh so awesome that you got "Before I Fall". I haven't read this one but I do have it sitting on my e-shelf and waiting to be read. I read Delirum and enjoyed it so much I'm sure I'll enjoy anything Lauren Oliver writes. Happy Reading.

    JJ iReads
    My In My Mailbox

  9. I've really wanted to read Before I Fall since I loved Delirium. And A Walk Across the Sun sounds good. Enjoy!

  10. I need to read Before I Fall. It's been on my bookshelf for long time now; I need to get to it soon before Pandemonium come out.

  11. I've heard amazing things about Before I Fall but I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet. Based on how much I loved Delirium, I'm guessing I'm going to be a fan of all things Lauren Oliver:) Love the cover of A Walk Across the Sun, it's stunning!

  12. I look forward to your thoughts on My Evangeline by Heidi Radford Legg, which I would loved to have read if I had more time.

  13. The only one I have read is Before I Fall, which was fantastic. Enjoy your books!

  14. I enjoyed Magnolia Wednesdays - hope you do too!

  15. Awesome mailbox! I still need to read Before I Fall. :) Enjoy!

  16. A walk across the sun looks like a beautiful read!
    Happy Reading.
    Here is my IMM

  17. Great books! I want to read Before I Fall and Magnolia Wednesdays, so I look forward to your review!

    I picked up A Walk Across the Sun at ALA way back in June, and I'm so excited the release date is finally approaching! I've been holding off reading it, but that cover is hard to resist! Hope you enjoy it!

  18. YAY!! You have Before I Fall! Lauren Oliver is just one of those awesome authors that I love out there, and I've adored every single one of her books so far -- that one included! It was just such a great and touching read! :)

    Awesome mailbox, Mrs. Q! I hope you love all of your books!

  19. Eee! I want to read Before I Fall!! :)

    Great books this week!

    Michele | IMM

  20. Great books this week! I love the cover of Magnolia Wednesday and Before I Fall is a great read. Enjoy!

  21. A great mailbox, a couple of them caught my eye.


  22. Before I Fall is really good. It's different but very good. Your review books are all new to me titles. I'll have to check them out!

  23. YAY I see you got my Evangeline as well! I'm excited to read it, especially since the author studied in Montreal! :) Awesome mailbox hun! Thank you for stopping by!

  24. Before I Fall caught my eye as the girl on the cover looks so forlorn. Hope it is a good read!

  25. I have Before I Fall and haven't read it yet. Looks like you got some great books for your reading challenge! Enjoy!

  26. Drool! I'm going to join your Adult Fiction Debut Author Challenge! :)

  27. I really liked Before I Fall, and A Walk Across the Sun looks really interesting. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  28. I love the cover for Before I Fall... so, so lovely. I'm kind of embarrassed--I've still not read a single thing by Lauren Oliver :S
