
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Review: Tagged by Mara Purnhagen

Publisher: Harlequin
Pages: 208
Source: Publisher

Kate Morgan is the police chief's daughter, her best friend Lan is Vietnamese and together they are trying to get through the daily duty of High school. Lan and Kate arrive at Cleary High, and notice giant gorillas' spray painted on the school building. Mysteriously these gorillas begin appearing all over town and in different states. These painting spark a debate in Kate's history class, what is art? Are these painting considered art or vandalism? Kate is not sure who is behind these paintings but she is confident there is more to the painting than what people are assuming. Kate begins her own investigation. 

Throughout the novel many characters emerge. Tiffany, a popular girl in school is consumed with planning her 16th birthday party. Eli, Kate's coworker and potential new boyfriend. Lan has a crush on one friend however, she unexpectantly begins dating another boy. 

Tagged was a great read! This book really drew me in. Mara Prunhagen is a debut novelist in 2010. I have heard quite a few bloggers mention this book. I do recommend this book for a light, entertaining read. If you are looking for a quick read, go ahead and pick up this book. You will be wondering what is your definition of art...


  1. It sounds like this one might be interesting for both my son and my daughter, so I will be looking for it for the holidays. Great review on this one today! I am glad that it made you contemplate some things!

  2. I'm very curious about the gorillas now. Sounds like a good book.

  3. Never heard about this YA book before! SO so good! thanx for sharing dear ^^

    Dazzling Reads

  4. Ahhh! This book sounds so awesome!! I just LOVE that Lan is Viet because I don't think I've ever read a book with a Vietnamese main character before! :) And I don't think I've ever heard of this book before either, but your review has definitely left me intrigued!

    Awesome review, Mrs. Q! I'm glad you enjoyed this one -- it sounds like such a cool read! :)

  5. I had not heard about this book before so I am glad you brought it to my attention :)

  6. I've honestly never heard of this book before, Jennifer, but yes, it does sound like a fun read.

    I love ART debates. People can see art is the oddest things, and I think that is awesome.

  7. I like the cover. The mystery behind the gorilla art has me intrigued.

  8. I hadn't heard of this one but I think I will be adding this one to my TBR list for when I'm feeling like reading a light book, just for fun. Great review.
