
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, December 23, 2011

A look back at 2011...

I can't believe that Christmas is coming so quickly! I'm very excited, and looking forward to spending some time with my family. Next week, I will be listing my Top 10 favorite books of 2011, Top 3 Canadian reads, Top 5 YA reads, Top 5 Adult Fiction reads, and Top 5 books I wish I had time for.

2011 was a great year for reading and blogging. I moved my blog from Iweb to blogger, which was very difficult but much needed. Iweb will be discontinued in 2012, and I really had so many problems with it. I've been enjoying blogger, and don't plan to move any time soon. All my posts have been moved at this point, which makes me very happy.

This year seems to have been the year for the ereader. Now more than ever, I see ereaders everywhere. That makes me happy because I know people are reading. While I will always own books, I think I really embraced the ereading experience this year. I love the ease of use and the fact that I can always have a collection of books with me. My first reader was a Sony 505 and I barely use it. It always seemed like the books I wanted weren't available, or not available in Canada. I'm happy that this is no longer an issue for me.

In 2012, I have some blogging goals that I would like to accomplish. I really want to work on my reviews, I want to try and make them better. A little less personal, but give my opinion. I also think I'm going to go back to a rating. I don't like giving numberical ratings, but I want to categorize them somehow.

One of my main goals to to bring attention to 2012 debut adult fiction authors. I have a database set up, and will probably do a monthly post about which books are out, or coming out. I'm excited to review these books as well, and will probably try and get some interviews.

My goal was to read 75 books this year, and I was able to surpass this goal. Now, I need to commit to a higher number for 2012!

I hope 2011 has been great for all my readers, and I want to thank everyone for coming to my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Sandra @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Looking forward to hear about your favourite books for the year, especially your Top 3 Canadian reads. I should post my favourites, I never get sick of books lists but I think some people do.
    My recent post Wellcome Trust Book Prize 2011

    CassB&MDblogger @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    That's really great to hear.
    A While back you wrote a review I absolutely enjoyed.
    I'll definitely be checking on your blog.
    Really can't wait for 2012!

    Noticed you installed intense debate. Just did to my blog too. Like it a lot.

    Elysium @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Merry Christmas :) I haven't tried ereaders yet but I've meant to loan library's. I'm curious to see what you do with your reviews in the future :)
    My recent post Merry Christmas!

    LauraFabiani @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    Looks like you had a good year! I'm now seriously looking at ereaders and I will probably get one sometime in 2012. And I think you should keep the personal aspect in your reviews. It's what makes reading them fun.

    mrsqbookaddict @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    I think I'm going to reorganize how I write my reviews, and keep personal opinions but be a little more analytical.
    My recent post A look back at 2011...

    mrsqbookaddict @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    I'm still going to keep it personal but not the whole review. I like personal reviews as well. I tried to not be personal, but it didn't work for me,
    My recent post A look back at 2011...

    blodeuedd @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 1 reply · 0 points
    Best of luck with the coming year!! :D

    And I also like personal reviews, but I understand if you want to make them less so, just saying that personal ones are my fav

    christa@MentalFoodie @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    Just out of curiosity, what are you thinking of making the review less personal? Personally the reason I like reading blog reviews is because of the personal aspect, whereas the professional reviews in magazines/newspaper etc are too analytical for my liking... Regardless, do what you want to do to make yourself happy! :)
    My recent post What is Love...? Part 2

    zibilee @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    I have been using my eReader a little more this year, and enjoying it a lot more. I think it's great that you surpassed your reading goals for yourself, and that you are aiming even higher for next year. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts on all the stuff you have been reading, and look forward to another great year! I hope you have a very happy holiday season!

    bermudaonion @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 1 reply · +1 points
    I rarely use my eReaders - I just forget I have books on there, I think! I love your reviews and really hope you don't make them less personal - I want to know how the books made you feel.

    anne @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - A look back at 2011... 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    I got an ereader this year too and I feel the same way you do, I enjoy it for its convenience but prefer to read an actual book. Congrats on surpassing your goal of 75 books, that is great!
