
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm still around, just not reading as much...

I'm still here, but I've been reading less! I'm in the process of moving and renovations. We're hoping to be fully moved in by June... *fingers crossed* Also, my brother moved out of the province sooner than expected and my oldest nephew wanted to finish his grade here, so he's staying with us during the week. He's ten, and a great kid. We thought it was only fair he gets to stay here. He's very scared to start a new school. My youngest nephew is in Kindergarden, he's starting his new school next week. My parents live close by and together he'll be well taken care of. He's told everyone that we're spoiling him. I need a crash course in parenting a ten-year-old.

So, I've been very busy but still reading, just very slowly. Reviews will come when I'm ready for them. I just finished Insurgent, and I thought it was great! I'll post a review in the next few days.

Thanks for your patience.


  1. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I'm sure you'll do fine with your nephew. My daughter is 11 and I think it's easier now than when she was 4 or 5. Good luck with everything and enjoy what little time you get to read. :)

  2. I feel your pain. I'm closing at the end of the month. My house will need a gut rehab.

    1. I'm moving into my parents duplex, so we're helping with a lot of the renovations and upkeep. The good thing is they're letting us fix it how we want. I'll be happy once everything is done. It's a lot of work!

  3. It does sound like you're busy! We'll be here when things settle down for you.

  4. Aah..you have your hands full! I have moved 6 times over my married life..so i know how busy and stressful that can be..plus add a cute, adorable nephew and it leaves little time for reading :) Will be here when you get back!

  5. Have fun settling into a new place! Ten year olds can be fun to have around.

  6. Best wishes for stress free, on-time renovation! Enjoy your time with your nephew.

  7. Good luck with your moveand how sweet of you to take your nephew in! Glad Insurgent was great I can't wait to read it myself.

  8. I completely understand not having time to read sometimes. Have fun with your nephew!

  9. Sometimes life takes precedence over reading and blogging, so don't feel bad. I hope you have a great time spoiling your nephew!

  10. I find that when I get busy with other things I actually miss reading and this makes my reading hours more enjoyable.
