
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Why Do I Have So Many Ereaders?

I’m sure by now you’ve noticed that I love technology and I love ereaders. I’ve had a lot of people ask me which do I prefer, the Kobo or the Kindle? I wanted to explain to everyone why I use each reader.

Here is a list of the readers that I have:

Kobo Vox
Sony Touch 650
Kindle 4th Generation

Kobo Vox

I primarily use the Kobo Vox but it’s not my favorite. My Vox lags, and it’s very sluggish. I only use it for reading because browsing or typing on the keyboard is brutal. It takes really long… I’ve been using my nephew’s Kobo Touch and I enjoy the experience much more. I love eink, reading outside without glare is very important to me. The Vox’s screen does an okay job with the glare, but reading outside in bright sunlight is challenging. I love the reading experience and the battery life that eink provides. My Vox has 7 hours of battery time, and that is not enough for me, especially on weekends. I have over 300 ebooks bought through Kobo and I really don’t want to switch my library to another provider. It’s a really big hassle that I’m not prepared to challenge myself with. I’ve decided to actually get the Kobo Glo. It has the eink experience with a backlight. The backlight is very important to me because I read in the dark a lot. I’m really hoping the Kobo Glo will provide what I wanted with the Vox, which is a backlit reader. I’m hoping to get the Kobo Glo by the beginning of October. I’m just waiting for them to be in stock.

I plan on getting the Kobo Glo with the white front, and pink back. :) It looks red below, but it's suppose to be pink.

Sony 650

My Sony 650, was my second eink reader. The only reason why I’ve moved on from it is the lack of wifi on this model. I don’t really use my laptop much anymore, and syncing my new books took too long. Sometimes I would forget that I didn’t sync it and when I wanted to read the book, it wasn’t on the device.


The Ipad reading experience was much more enjoyable than I was expecting, but I take public transportation to go to work. I find the Ipad too big to carry around on a crowded metro or bus. Before I had the Vox, I would read on the Ipad at home because it’s backlit and read on my Sony 650 while going to work. The drawback was always trying to find where I left off because the two didn’t sync together.

Kindle 4th Generation

I bought a Kindle when I noticed egalley’s seemed to format better on the Kindle, plus egalley’s don’t expire. All the galley’s that I sent to my kindle remains in my archives and I can go back and redownload them. If you’ve ever had a galley expire on you, you’ll know how frustrating that is. Also, some specials are only available for Kindle. Now, I can take advantage of them. From time to time, I’ll also notice a book not available for Kobo but it is available for Kindle. I do wish Kindle, showed the book covers. The books are just listed where the Kobo shows the book covers.

One thing I love about this reader, is the page buttons on both sides. I'm really comfortable in any position. Touch screens are not necessary for me. I would prefer to have the option of touch screen, with the choice of buttons.

Here is a breakdown of all my readers. We don’t have Nook available in Canada, but I would love to try one. I was so jealous of the backlit Simple Touch, but now I’m excited for the Kobo Glo.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


  1. Great post. I have an older Kindle and an older Sony model and I don't use either one. I don't mind reading on the iPad, but my son took my first one and my husband's claimed the second. I guess I'll just stick with paper.

  2. I have an older Kindle that I love bringing with me on travel. I read really fast and could probably fill one suitcase just with books when I go on a big trip!

  3. I have a Kindle and an ipad, and I prefer to read on the ipad, but you are right about the downloading from Netgalley being easier on the Kindle, so I keep both. I kind of want to check out the new Nook as well, but I know that I don't need another reading device. The new one they just released looks really cool!

  4. I have a Kobo Touch, which I like. The e-ink technology is fantastic allowing me to read in the sunlight with no glare whatsoever. The drawback is that e-galleys expire and formatting is off sometimes with pdfs. And I get a lot of free Kindle books that I cannot read on the Kobo, so I am seriously thinking of getting a Kindle. Thanks for this post. It's given me a good idea of the other ereaders available out there.

  5. Great post, i have and love the Nook first Gen and Nook tablet.

  6. The Kobo Glo has a front facing reflective light via 4 LED's at the bottom edge of a screen. Backlit technology only applies to LCD screens as E-Ink is opaque and can not be lit from behind, The Kindle Paperwhite also lights from the bottom edge while the Nook Glowlight uses 8 LED's at the top edge of the screen.
