
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Mailbox Monday

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm anxious for winter to wrap up. I can't wait to sit outside and read.


Books received:


A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness ( A gift from a penguin for filling out of survey)

The Chalice by Nancy Bilyeau


Ebooks bought:

Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler

Honolulu by Alan Brennert

Taking Chances by Molly McAdams


Happy reading!



  1. Great mailbox. I really enjoyed A Discovery of Witches, although I've not yet read the sequel, and am patiently waiting for my copy of The Chalice to arrive. I'll be curious for your thoughts on Honolulu. I've not read it, but several people I know rave about it.

  2. My sister loved A Discovery of Witches!

  3. I did like Honolulu - hop you do as well. The cover of Chalice is so pretty,

  4. Sandra, my review partner will be reading The Chalice. I'm interested in Calling Me Home. Read good stuff about it so far. Enjoy your reading week!

  5. What a nice gift for doing the survey. Enjoy all your new books!

  6. Calling Me Home is "calling" to me! Enjoy your lovely books...and here's MY MONDAY MEMES POST

  7. I read Honolulu a couple years ago and really enjoyed it!

  8. A Discovery of Witches is one of my very favorite books, and I hope that you get the chance to read it soon! I loved the characters and the plot, and the second one was really excellent as well.

    I have also heard good things about Calling Me Home, and might try to get that one on audio when I can.

    Enjoy your reading this week!

  9. The Chalice caught my eye.


  10. My son read A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES and loved it. ENJOY all your books.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  11. Oh I loved A Discovery of Witches! And I liked the sequel too. I have the first Nancy Bilyeau book but haven't read it yet. Hope you enjoy all your books!

  12. I've only read A Discovery of Witches. Looking forward to your thoughts on the other books.

  13. Great mailbox. The Chalice and Discovery of Witches both sound really good. Enjoy!
    2 Kids and Tired Books MM
