
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Review: The Diviners by Libba Bray

Publisher: Little Brown
Pages: 608
Released: 2012
Source: Publisher
Rating: 5/5


Small town, Evie O’Neill lives the life of a flapper, her conservative parents don’t know what to do with her, and desperately want to rein her in. When Evie exposes her unusual gift, her parents send her to live in New York with her Uncle. Evie decided to make the best of it, and couldn’t wait to move to the glamorous city. New York City wasn’t exactly like Evie expected, her uncle is the curator of the Museum of American Folklore, Superstition and the Occult. While Evie enjoys her night life, her uncle threatens to send her home if she doesn’t obey his rules. Mysterious deaths have been happening all over town. When Evie’s Uncle is brought in to help the investigation, Evie wants to use her gift to help find the murderer.


The Diviners is a hard book to review, I don’t want to give too many details but I want to make sure I encourage readers to read it. Libba Bray created a fantastic book with a great plot and an amazing cast of characters. The Diviners was utterly engrossing and very well written, I was glued to the pages, and couldn’t stop reading. I thought the cast of characters was amazing. I loved each and every one of their stories. Bray transports readers to a roaring 1920’s New York, but there is an undertone of evil and darkness that becomes more prominent throughout the book. Readers are slowly exposed to what sort of evil is lurking, and the possibility of evil winning.

I read that this series will be 4 books, which really made me happy. The ending wrapped up nicely, but left readers wanting to see where the next book would go. Evie is not the only one in the book with a gift, and I can’t wait to see how the other character’s progress. Evie was a great, lovable character and her friends were just as enjoyable.

I previously read Libba Bray’s Gemma Doyle series and I loved it. I haven’t read her other books since then, but I was really curious about this one. I’m really happy I read it, and didn’t let the size of the book discourage me. It may have been large, but I couldn’t put it down and I was sad when it ended. I highly recommend this one.


  1. 5/5 - that's awesome! I have this one in my massive TBR stack and want to get to it as soon as possible! Oh, I need a reading vacation -- a vacation in which I can catch up on all my reading, that is!

  2. So glad to hear it's huge but not slow.

  3. The fact that it is over 600 pages makes me hesitate to read this one, but it does sound good. I have not read a book set in the 1920s for a while.

  4. I have read other books from Libba Bray, and my daughter loves her, so this is a no-brainer when it comes to adding it to my cart. I love the way you give little tidbits of the story without ruining it with spoilers. You did an awesome job with this one today. I definitely want to read this one now!

  5. Yay! I'm so glad The Diviners is great since I have it on my shelf. Your review also reminds me that I have to finish the Gemma Doyle trilogy (I haven't read the final book yet).
