
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Review: He’s Gone by Deb Caletti

Publisher: Banton
Pages: 352
Released: 2013
Source: Publisher
Rating: 4.5/5


When Dani wakes up with a fuzzy head and what feels like a hangover, she spends her morning on her houseboat and wondering where her husband Ian is. He’s not answering his phone, not calling her back and she’s not sure if she should be worried or not. A day goes by and Dani can’t figure out where he is, when she spots his car in the parking lot, panic sets in. Dani wonders if something happened to him, or maybe he left her voluntarily.  They were both married when they started having an affair, and Dani wonders if the cycle has repeated itself. Dani must face their past because the police are asking questions, and having a blended family is difficult. Dani must do her best to find Ian, including working with Ian’s kids and ex-wife to figure out where he could be.


He’s Gone was a great read. Dani has barely any memory from the night before, and she begins to question her relationship with Ian, her lack of memory from the night before and knowing she left the party upset. She vaguely remembers a woman in a red dress standing next to Ian. Dani is an unreliable narrator, and readers must keep in mind that Dani has very little knowledge.  Her and Ian fell madly in love, but realistically their past continues to haunt her.   

When Dani begins to have doubts about what happened that night, she begins to scare herself and readers. Could she have done something? Is she just afraid the police will assume she had something to do with Ian’s disappearance? He was married to her for three years, and now he’s gone.  After all, isn’t it normally the spouse? Caletti really draws readers into the story, and forces them to think and question what is really going on.

This was my first read by Deb Caletti, and it was compulsively readable. I kept picking it up every chance I could, because I needed to know what happened. I continuously questioned Dani and wondered if she could have been involved. At the same time, I felt really bad for Dani. If you’re looking for a great read, something that will keep you glued to the pages, this one is recommended. 


  1. I like your thoughts on this one. It's on my review shelf and I hope to read it soon!

  2. This sounds terrific - I love books that are unputdownable!

  3. I've seen this one around. It sounds like one I will enjoy! Can't wait to find time to read it!

  4. Seen a few good reviews, so had to come check out your thoughts. I'm glad you found it enjoyable too!
