
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

February Update- Books and Baby

Hi everyone,

The reviewing has been really slow here. I'm sorry, but Caleb refuses to nap longer than 30 minutes at a time and that doesn't give me much time to review. Once he's in bed, I feel like reading. I managed to read five books in February. My Goodreads goal was 52 books, and I'm two books ahead of schedule. Once Caleb settles into a better napping schedule, I'll hopefully have more time to myself.

Safe With Me by Amy Hatvany 5/5
The Bear by Claire Cameron 5/5
Star Cursed by Jessica Spotswood 3/5
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children 4/5
Slammed by Colleen Hoover 4/5

My favorite book read this month was Safe With Me by Amy Hatvany. I've loved each and every one of her books. If you're looking for a great read, check out her books! Her subjects are difficult but realistic. The Bear was another great read, I'm looking forward to reviewing this one. The Bear is narrated by Anna, a five year old girl who is left to fend for herself, when her parents are attacked and killed by a bear. Reading the book through Anna's perspective really draws readers in to the story. I also really enjoyed Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and Slammed. Star Cursed wasn't as good as I expected, but I'm looking forward to the next book in the series.

Caleb update:

He turned 3 months, March 3rd. He hates to nap, and we're trying to figure that out. We actually have a bedtime routine, and it feels great to have some time to myself at night. He's still sleeping in our room, and I don't really want to put him in his own room yet. Maybe at 6 months, maybe... He's currently 15 pounds and starting to wear 6 month clothes. I've been wondering if the size indicators are correct for most babies? He's been outgrowing clothes so fast.

I'm hoping to have a few reviews up soon. If not, it's because he's keeping me busy. If you have any nap tips, please pass them along.


  1. Caleb is a little doll! I'll be reviewing The Bear soon - I didn't like it as much as you did, but I think I'm the minority.

  2. He is soooooo cute.

    Hang in there with naps. By six months things should be better. *fingers crossed*

    Some kids are always ahead of their size.

    Love that smile!

  3. Caleb is so cute! I love sweet baby cheeks. My daughter was not a big napper either. At 3 months, she was doing the 30-min thing too. It left very little time for getting anything done! I'd say around 6 months she was on a more regular schedule and sleeping longer. Hang in there!

  4. He is so adorable! My daughter never wanted to sleep, ever! Always thought she was missing something. But we eventually sorted that all out. :)

  5. Your son is adorable! My son was always way ahead with clothing sizes, but he was quite big for his age. However, his doctor was never worried, and said that he'd lose all the weight once he started walking and running, and she was right! Good luck with the naps--I'm sure he'll settle into a good routine soon!
