
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, November 6, 2015

If we were having tea...

I'm thinking of making "If we were having Tea" a weekly post. It gives me a chance to reflect on my week and let you know what's been going on. 

If we were having tea... I'd tell you that I'm currently reading See Me by Nicolas Sparks and I'm really enjoying it. I haven't read any of Nicholas Sparks latest but thought I'd try this one. I'm glad I did. I'm about 75% into the book, and I'm hoping to finish by the weekend. 

If we were having tea... I'd tell you that I've been so exhausted this week. Last week too, but I assumed it was because we just got back from vacation. I'm looking forward to trying to catch up on sleep and try to rest up for next week. Almost every evening I go home, and I have a headache. It's just because I'm tired but I hate that feeling and it really starts to drag me down.

If we were having tea... I'd let you know what planning is an addiction! I've been really appreciating my Happy Planner. I'm looking into affordable decorating options and it's really been helpful. I really want to buy some nice stickers and add to my washi collection. I made a few bookmarks, and they turned out really cute.

If we were having tea... I'd tell you that I found my Leonard Dicaprio scrapbook from 1998. I was 13 years old and Leonard DiCaprio was my crush. I laughed so hard flipping through this book. I had to take a picture. I've since recycled the pages. I also found the diary I was using when Daniel and I started dating. I was 17 years old, and my entries are embarrassing. Oh, boy...

If we were having tea...I'd tell you that the stomach flu is no joke. Caleb had it last Friday, I had it Sunday, and Daniel had it Monday. When Caleb was sick on Friday, Daniel said " Once the flu hits your house, everyone gets it." I laughed it off, and threatened he would be next...but it was me. I couldn't move all day, and Caleb kept telling me " Mama, Up!" It's so hard to be a mom, and me sick. Thank God my husband is great. 

If we were having tea... I'd mention that I watched the CMA's and I felt like Miranda Lambert looks sad. She wasn't herself. She looked great on the red carpet. I really wish the best for her. Blake Shelton and Gwen Stephanie look so weird together. I'm not a fan of how Blake jokes about his divorce all the time. It's still new, don't talk about it. #teammiranda 


  1. I bet finding that scrapbook was a lot of fun! Have you had your blood pressure checked - headaches are how I found out I have hypertension.

  2. I've had the same kind of week... exhausted and nonstop headaches! I hope next week is better for your sake and mine. :)

    I like your planner! I just got mine this week and am already getting addicted. All the stickers and fun things you can do... ahhh! I needed it because I'm so overwhelmed and needed to get organized, but who knew it could be so fun too?!

  3. Haha....those old discoveries can be disturbing, right! Sounds like tea with your would be interesting!
