
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, February 20, 2017

Let's Chat | Books| Toddler | Shows


This weekend I started reading It Happens All The Time by Amy Hatvany. I love her books, and couldn't wait to get to this one. I believe it releases next month. I was reading The Break for Canada Reads but I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere with it. It feels like the type of book that I really need to sit down and read in order to really understand what is happening. I'll pick it back up soon. Reading is for me, and if I feel stuck because I'm not liking the book that I'm reading...put it down. I don't like feeling stuck because my current book isn't making me want to pick it up. I'm a mood reading, and not liking a book doesn't mean it isn't a good book- it just means I'm not in the mood to read it.

I've also been checking out alot of books from my library and review books. I want to get better at reading ARC's. I primarily use Edelweiss and Netgalley. I might try to sign up for some blog tours and really try to get back into having a blogging schedule.

Toddler Life

Caleb is such a smart little boy. He amazes me every day. When he loves something, he wants to know all about it. He's currently interested in dinosaurs. He loves learning all the different names, and facts about them.

This weekend we went to a Hunting/Fishing Exhibit and Caleb had a blast. He got to fish from a kiddie pool and he tested out all the ATV's. We're still working on toilet training. It comes and goes. He seems to do much better at home than daycare. It's coming along, and we're being patient.


I downloaded Riverland on Netflix and want to start watching it. I keep seeing people commenting about it on twitter. I've mostly been watching Big Bang Theory on CraveTV in the evenings. I also want to get back into This is Us. I forgot about it for a few weeks. I still watch quite a bit of youtube when I'm cleaning, folding laundry and stuff like that. 

1 comment:

  1. I usually plod along even when I'm not enjoying a book - it's a habit I need to break.
