
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, March 7, 2011

Review: The Mistress’ House by Leigh Micheals

Title: The Mistress’ House

Publisher: Sourcebooks
Pages: 320
Source: ARC provided by Publisher
Category: Romance
Rating: 3/5


The Earl of Hawthorn is a confirmed, notable rake, to make his life more interesting he purchases a London Townhouse who’s garden connects to his own. A Townhouse that can easily conceal his not-so-quiet affaires. This townhouse becomes crucial to the lives of three individual couples. The Earl of Hawthorn was well known as the town “rake.” Lady Anne has come to town with an idea of her own. She’s been married, she’s young and widowed and she has no intentions of marrying again. Her brother doesn’t agree that she should live alone, although she has more than enough wealth to take care of herself. He prefers to marry her off to the highest bidder. The men seem to be flocking to Lady Anne, all of whom are well aware of her assets. Anne will not go through with another marriage, her scheme is to sully her reputation. A respectable woman can marry again, a tainted woman will be scorned. That is exactly what she wants. Anne asks the Earl of Hawthorn to “ruin” her. However, much to their dismay, their relationship begins to grow and they are no longer just having an affair. They must decide on how to proceed with their lives. Do they dare marry? Will her brother consent to their marriage? The London Townhouse soon becomes the setting for two more couples to fall in love. A house with many secrets.

Overall Impression:

“The Mistress’ House” was a nice romance. I really enjoyed reading the romance stories, and all three couples were unique. I would have liked more of a historical setting. The book doesn’t go beyond the romances, and I felt that it was lacking in character development and plot. However, I did enjoy the read. Each character is flawed, and real. The stories flowed well, and each had an interesting premise. As i’ve said before I’m not much of a romance reader, but when a book goes beyond the romance aspect, I can really enjoy it. Leigh Micheals has written over 80 books, and I will certainly give her another chance. I just think 3 stories, in just over 300 pages wasn’t enough, I wanted more. If you’re a real romance lover, I would recommend this one.

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