
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, August 29, 2011

Review: Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella

Publisher: The Dial Press
Source: Personal Ebook
Pages: 448

Lara Lington is going through a rough patch, she withdrew all her savings to start up a headhunting company with her best friend, but her best friend has run off to Goa to live with her new boyfriend. Lara's boyfriend Josh dumped her by email and Lara has no idea why-she's devastated. Lara Lington has to attend her 105 year old great aunt Sadie's funeral. None of the family members really know much about Sadie or her roaring 20's past. Only a few family members attend the funeral, and it seems quite cold. When Sadie's ghost appears before Lara, Lara learns quickly she must agree to help Sadie find her lost neckless if she wants Sadie to stop yelling at her. Lara and Sadie compliment each other in the novel, they help each other come out of their shell. A fun read, filled with many twists and turns.

Twenties Girl' is a light, fun, entertaining read. I bought the ebook based on the author. I've read all the Shopaholic books and really enjoyed Kinsella's writing. This is not at all like the Shopaholic books, but good nonetheless. I really enjoyed this novel. It was not what I expected but I quickly fell in love with the characters. If I would have knew it was a ghost story, I probably wouldn't have picked it up but i'm glad I stuck with it. It was a refreshing read and kept me entertained the whole way through.


  1. This is the only Kinsella book I haven't read yet, and it sounds really good. I've found that as the Shopaholic series goes on, I enjoy her stand-alone books more.

  2. I love Kinsella's books too. I bought this when our Borders was going out of business and really need to read it so I can pass it on to my mother.

  3. I haven't read her books, but I've heard they are really good. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  4. What a cute book - glad to hear that you stuck with it and discovered it's worth - ghost and all :)

  5. This sounds like a really intriguing book. I love a good chick lit so I might need to pick this one up!

  6. I've so been wanting to read Kinsella. I picked up a couple of her shopaholic books froma used book store. I'll have to lookup the reading order.

  7. I really liked this one too - I was a little wary about the ghost theme but I still really liked it. I just finished Mini Shopaholic and loved it even though Becky and all her shopping never seems to change!

  8. I've been meaning to read this. I love Kinsella.
