
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, June 20, 2011

Review: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

Publisher: McElderry Books
Pages: 485
Source: Personal Copy
Category: Young Adult Series


Clare Fray may seem like an ordinary 15 year-old teenager, but she is not, she is a nephilim. An innocent evening turns life-altering when Clare witnesses a murder in a New York Club. It quickly becomes clear that only Clare herself is able to see the murder take place. Things quickly spiral out of control when Clare's mother leaves cryptic messages on her cellphone telling her to stay away. Clare can hear the distress in her voice, and she becomes very worried. She does the opposite of what her mothers demands, and she returns home to view her home wrecked and her mother missing. Clare is attacked by something that is not human, and rescued by Jace Wayland, a Shadowhunter. Jace introduces Clare to a world she never new existed, a world that is not safe, and a world that reveals her parents many secrets. Jace was at the nightclub, and it turns out that Jace is a Shadowhunter. He and many others are devoted to destroying demons. While Clare would love to know everything about her past, she has a spell cast of her memories. Clare begins to fight for her survival and reveal her hidden past. Clare swiftly realizes she is a key character in this new bewildering world. She vows to find her mother, and teams up with Jace and his fellow Shadowhunters.

**keeping my synopsis short, I don't want to give away any spoilers**

Overall Impression:

I really enjoyed City of Bones, but there was something that really bothered me. I read the description of City of Ashes (Book 2) and discovered a major spoiler. While I continued to read City of Bones, I kept wondering when that spoiler was going to happen. It made me very impatient. I felt like my first-time reading experience was ruined. I will stay away from book descriptions from now on...This book was fast-paced, detailed and entertaining. Clare Cassandra is very talented, and I can see why she receives so many praises. I'm excited to continue the series, and i'm sure i'll enjoy the next one more. This book felt mature for a Young Adult book, and that really appealed to me. This book has a little bit of everything: mystery. paranormal, sexuality and romance. I was surprised in many ways, and the characters were very well written. I highly recommend it, but please do not read any book descriptions for the rest of the series.


  1. I would like to read this one. I like YA books. You read a spoiler??? humbug~

  2. That sucks (the spoiler part). It's one of the reasons why I try hard not to read reviews of books that I'm going to be reading, as some reviewers tend to throw spoilers in with no warning. BUT .. I did like the Mortal Instruments series a lot .. Not So Bebe Girl liked them even more! :)
