
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Sunday, August 28, 2011

In My Mailbox

I'm back!!! I had a great vacation, and I'm excited to share the books I received. I didn't get as much reading done as I would have liked, but I enjoyed the books I did get to read. Reviews will come soon.

Here is what I got:

Promises, Promises by Erica James ( I have a different cover)

Bought a signed copy of J'Adore New York by Isabelle Lacleche

Happy reading everyone!

If you are interested I have created a Facebook page for my blog. Please feel free to "like" my page.


  1. Great mailbox and welcome home. Miss you terribly and I may be back after Labour Day weekend. Will let you know more afterwards.

  2. Oooh great mailbox! Promises, Promises looks like it'd be a great book!

  3. Welcome back!!!! I didn't get a lot of reading done on my vacation either.

    Here is mine

  4. Nice collection, you got there!
    The legacy looks intriguing.

    Please check out my IMM post

  5. Welcome back. You got some great books while you were away. Enjoy

  6. The Legacy is popping up in a lot of places. It looks interesting. Q does too. These mailbox memes make me yearn for more reading time!

  7. I'm glad you had a great vacation! All of your books look good - it'll be hard to decide which one to pick up first.

  8. Welcome back :) The Legacy and Fortune's Son sounds very good. Enjoy!

  9. You got a nice set of books. The Legacy looks like a good book.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  10. I received Promises, Promises, too. Glad you had a great vacation. I always find that I never read as much as I'd like when I'm away.

  11. Enjoy! all your reads.

  12. Great mailbox! The Legacy is one I'm keeping my eye on!

  13. Great mailbox! I have The Legacy to read, too.

    Enjoy your new books.

  14. Great variety of books! I also never get enough reading done when I'm on vacation even if I plan to.

  15. These all look great! It will be tough to decide which one to read first!

  16. I think your mailbox is fantastic!!!

  17. Wonderful mailbox. I'm kind of jealous :) The Legacy looks great, and the synopsis of Q makes me think that it would be great fun to read as well! Enjoy them all!
