
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The never-ending TBR pile...

I know we've all been here, and we all want to read every book we intend to read but there's simply not enough time in the day. I really want to share with you some books that have been lost in the pile, that I'm still hoping to get to. Sooner rather than later... 


The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des RĂªves, and it is only open at night.

But behind the scenes, a fierce competition is underway: a duel between two young magicians, Celia and Marco, who have been trained since childhood expressly for this purpose by their mercurial instructors. Unbeknownst to them both, this is a game in which only one can be left standing. Despite the high stakes, Celia and Marco soon tumble headfirst into love, setting off a domino effect of dangerous consequences, and leaving the lives of everyone, from the performers to the patrons, hanging in the balance.

Searing. Explosive. Lyrical. Compassionate. Here is the astonishing new novel by the Man Booker Prize–winning author of The White Tiger, a book that took rage and anger at injustice and turned it into a thrilling murder story. Now, with the same fearlessness and insight, Aravind Adiga broadens his canvas to give us a riveting story of money and power, luxury and deprivation, set in the booming city of Mumbai.

At the heart of this novel are two equally compelling men, poised for a showdown. Real estate developer Dharmen Shah rose from nothing to create an empire and hopes to seal his legacy with a building named the Shanghai, which promises to be one of the city’s most elite addresses. Larger-than-life Shah is a dangerous man to refuse. But he meets his match in a retired schoolteacher called Masterji. Shah offers Masterji and his neighbors—the residents of Vishram Society’s Tower A, a once respectable, now crumbling apartment building on whose site Shah’s luxury high-rise would be built—a generous buyout. They can’t believe their good fortune. Except, that is, for Masterji, who refuses to abandon the building he has long called home. As the demolition deadline looms, desires mount; neighbors become enemies, and acquaintances turn into conspirators who risk losing their humanity to score their payday.

Here is a richly told, suspense-fueled story of ordinary people pushed to their limits in a place that knows none: the new India as only Aravind Adiga could explore—and expose—it. Vivid, visceral, told with both humor and poignancy, Last Man in Tower is his most stunning work yet.

Abby and Luke chat online. They’ve never met. But they are going to. Soon.

When Abby meets Luke online, she can’t believe her luck. He’s nice. He’s funny. He listens to her and he thinks she’s pretty. He even gets jealous of other guys, which is adorable. Without Luke, Abby’s not sure how she’d make it through her first year of high school. Everyone, including her mom and her best friend, Faith, tells Abby that if she just made more of an effort, she’d be having fun instead of dreading each and every day as if it’s a prison sentence. But there’s nothing fun about being the lowest link in the social food chain.

Abby knows she’s not supposed to chat with random guys online. But Luke isn’t random, and he isn’t a stranger. Best of all, he really loves her. So what if she never goes out with her friends anymore and her grades are slipping? All she needs is Luke. Luke is her secret, and she’s his — it’s perfect that way. So when Luke suggests that they meet each other in person, Abby agrees. And then she’s gone. Missing. Without a trace. And everyone is left to put together the pieces. If they don’t, they’ll never see Abby again...


  1. Yep, I can totally relate. Good luck finding the time to get these read!

  2. I'm feeling the same way! Next year I will not accept as many review books so that I can read the ones I really want to read.

  3. Girl, I know exactly what you mean!!! I have so many books on my TBR!

    I read The Night Circus right after it came out and really liked it. I still want to read Want to Go Private?.

  4. My TBR is out of control, yet I continue to purchase more and more books!

    I'll be curious for your thoughts on The Night Circus. I liked it, but didn't love it as so many other people seem to have -- I do think the cover you have displayed for it is beautiful.

  5. I hear ya! I'm hoping my upcoming vacation will let me tackle some of the books I've been dying to read. I hope you love The Night Circus as much as I did; I could overlook some of the flaws simply because the descriptions were so wonderful.

  6. I have had the Night Circus since it was first published..i have no idea why it mysteriously moves around my tbr pile..i need to grab it the next time i see it..LOL

  7. Night Circus is one of those books that keeps getting bumped from the top of the pile! SOMEDAY I'll get around to reading it!

  8. Hi Jennifer,

    Same problem here I'm afraid. My TBR pile is an out of control volcano, just waiting to explode ... and yet I just can't stop adding more and more books to it!!

    Some of the books have remained buried so deeply for so long, that they are in fear of becoming classics long before they ever see the light of day!!

    Now, I have a 'wish list', 'reading list', 'author to try list' .... call it what you will, the result is still the same ... the list is long enough to paper the walls of the house with and I can neve hope to get started on it!!

    I really must start thinking about the amount of author reviews I take on, the trouble is I just can't say no and I am getting to read some excellent, non-mainstream books, which challenge my usual reading genres and which stretch my thought processes.

    I hope that you make some headway with your lists and piles very soon LOL!

