
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, June 29, 2012

Review: The Queen’s Vow by C W Gortner

Publisher: Ballentine Books
Pages: 400
Source: Blog Tour
Released: 2012
Rating: 5/5


After the death of their father, Isabella of Castile, her brother and their mother were living in exile. When Isabelle was a young teenager, her step-brother Enrique, the King demanded that they leave their mother and come to live at court. Enrique planned to keep them under his wing, and make sure his throne was not threatened. Isabella’s mother knew that a time would come when Enrique ordered her children to be taken away from her; she feared the most for her son, Alfonso who was the next in line for the throne. The announcement of Enrique’s daughter caused a lot of turmoil at court; many believed that the child could not be his. Enrique himself didn’t seem so sure, either. Queen Juana’s behavior concerned many and rumors of the child’s birth remained strong. Queen Juana felt threatened by Isabella and Alfonso, and didn’t try to hide her disdain for them. She wanted her daughter to be the rightful heir of the throne and she would stop at nothing to make sure Alfonso never became king. Isabella and her brother became a pawn in a plot to dethrone, the indecisive and unpopular King. Isabella was forced to decide where her loyalties lie, and who she wishes to be King. Isabella proved to be a strong, determined and persuasive young woman.


The Queen’s Vow is a captivating read. The relationship between Isabella and Enrique was very interesting. He seemed very lonely, lost and desperate. He wasn’t able to trust anyone; his advisor’s manipulated him to further their own lives and his wife was despicable. She used him as her pawn. Isabella remained strong, and supported her brother until she thought it was no longer in everyone’s best interest. Greed comes between the siblings, and Isabella must look out for the people. I didn’t know much about her life before, but I kept finding myself researching about her once I finished the book. I’m truly intrigued by her story.

A great historical fiction author is able to recreate a time and place that allows readers to learn and live what life was like during that time period. Gortner proves to be a truly amazing historical fiction writer. The book kept getting better and better, the pace was perfectly orchestrated and I loved every minute of the experience. There was never a time when I felt bored with the novel. I do enjoy historical fiction, but I’ve come to expect some lags when reading the genre. Many times I begin to feel a little bogged down with facts and feel that the story isn’t moving along as fast as I would like, The Queen's Vow certainly was an exception. This would appeal to historical fiction fans, and readers who just love a good story. Highly recommended!


  1. I really liked this one too. I was never bored with it either, Isabella was such an interesting woman to read about.

  2. Historical fiction is not my genre but I feel like I should try Gortner's work - everyone seems to love it!

  3. Thank you so much for your lovely review. It's an honor to be here as part of my virtual tour and I sincerely hope your readers enjoy THE QUEEN'S VOW.

  4. I'm looking forward to reading this one. Thanks for the review.

  5. I'm glad you enjoyed this one! It will very likely make my list of favourites for the year.

    Have you read any of C.W. Gortner's other novels? If not, try The Last Queen next. It's about Isabella and Ferdinand's daughter, Juana, and is excellent.

  6. I'm a fan pf period books. Especially when, as you say, an author can transport you to that time and has researched the time well. This one sounds like a great one to give a try.

  7. After reading The Last Queen I knew I wanted her more of Isabella's story...I need to get my paws on this book soon!

  8. Now this I have to have. Huge fan of historical fiction and your review mentions all the elements I love..yippie and the cover satisfies the book whore in me and is shouting buy it, buy it..must have! ooh i am heading to B&N nook now! I think I have caught up on all the posts I missed while away. You write awesome reviews chicka!
