
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mailbox Monday

Hi Everyone!

This week I did receive one review book, and I bought a few young adult ebooks that were on sale. I've been a very moody reader lately, and I seem to be settling on contemporary young adult novels and lighter reads. This will probably change soon...my reading habits change often.

I received for review:

Ebooks I bought:

Happy reading everyone!


  1. I can't wait to see what you think of The After Wife! I'll be back in the morning to link up.

  2. I've heard great things about Hourglass. Hopefully it's one I'm able to pick up soon!

  3. Great mailbox! I want to read After Wife....

  4. I'm a moody reader too. Your YA books look good. I have had my eye on Hourglass for a while now. Enjoy your reading week!

  5. Ohh- the After Wife looks like it might be charming. Your ebooks look like good reads too. Thanks for hosting and Happy Reading!

  6. Hi Jennifer,

    I don't know that I could read all that YA fiction in one go. I like to mix up my genres and have been able to do that quite nicely with the varied review requests that I am getting from authors, although crime/thriller/mysteries will alwyas probably remain my ultimate favourites.

    I did pick out three of your selection that I might think about trying; 'The After Wife', 'The Hourglass', and 'Someone Like You'

    I hope that you enjoy them all and thanks for hosting this month.


  7. Summer is the time for light reads and mood-driven reading, I like to think. Unfortunately, I am only about 300 pages into the 800 page, non-fiction Witness by Whitaker Chambers. It is too dense to read all the way through in the summer, so I keep taking a break every hundred pages to read something fun. AT this rate, I won't finish until winter!

  8. I just read Going Too Far and Forget You this week. Both are so good! Enjoy all your new reads.

  9. Great books last week! I've had some of those on my wishlist for awhile. I'm a moody reader too and have to change things up sometimes. Hope you enjoy them all! :)

  10. Enjoy those ebooks....Ghost Girl looks like a good one. Happy reading. And thanks for hosting.

  11. Those are all new to me but I hope you love those!

  12. The After Wife sounds like a very entertaining read - enjoy!

  13. So many great summer reads to choose from - enjoy

  14. I've been seeing Hourglass pop up a lot, might have to add it to my TBR pile.

  15. I am reading The After Wife this week - hope it is good! Forget You I thought was a good book - Happy Reading!

  16. You got some interesting titles this week. Nice haul.


  17. The After Wife sounds like a fun summer book. I read great things about her first book, too. I'm not faniliar with the e-books you npurchased but I've read only good things about Sarah Dessen and her books.

    Enjoy your new books!
    Happy Reading!

  18. Interesting titles. I need to try a Sarah Dessen one of these days! Happy Reading!

  19. I've had my eyes on The After Wife. I will be looking forward to your review!

  20. Sale is my favorite word! My moods change often too. Last night I was in the mood to read something really sinister and dark! Don't ask me why, maybe watching too much Behind Mansion Walls or Forensic Files.

  21. I am liking a lot of YA reads at the moment as well, but haven't gotten the chance to read many. For now, I am stuck in the adult book mode, but shortly I will be exploring a few YA reads in audio. Fantastic choices this week!

  22. The After Wife and Ghost Girl both caught my eye. Happy reading, and thanks for hosting!

  23. I've been seeing The After Wife quite a bit lately. Hope you enjoy it!

  24. I hope you enjoy your books! Thanks for hosting Mailbox Monday this month!

  25. I snagged the Ghost Girl series at a library sale awhile back. They are gorgeous little books. Enjoy all your reads! Thanks for hosting. =O)

  26. I have not read Sara Dessen but have seen many great reviews for her books. The After Wife has a catchy title. I will have to keep an eye out for that one!
