
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Review: Overseas by Beatriz Williams

Publisher: Putnam
Pages: 464
Released: 2012
Source: Personal Copy
Rating: 5/5


Kate Wilson is trying to make it on Wall Street; she’s working for a great firm and hoping to go back to business school the following semester, in order to advance her career. When she hears that the legendary, Julian Lawrence will be coming into her office, she’s excited and nervous. Unfortunately, Wall Street is a cut throat business and Kate is rushed out of the boardroom, with only a quick glance at Julian, her manipulative boss decides to present the presentation herself. As Kate walks past Julian, she has no idea, but he instantly feels a connection with her. Julian knows his past may be a problem, but he really doesn’t want to walk away from Kate. Their relationship quickly grows, and Julian struggles with Kate’s independence and strong will.

The story alternates between 1916 France, where Julian and Kate’s story began to New York in 2008. There’s reason why Julian can so easily admit to loving Kate after a few weeks, their story began long ago, and Julian doesn’t know how much, if any, of the story he should tell Kate. He’s been patiently, waiting for her.


I’m not a time travel or a romance reader, and I couldn’t put this book down. I was amazed that this is Williams debut novel. Wow, she is talented! Overseas is the type of book that fully consumes the reader. You’ll want to hide, and not be found until you’ve finished. This one is difficult to categorize, but very enjoyable!

I will admit I was fully expecting Julian to shower Kate with gifts, and money and he didn’t. She wouldn’t allow it, which I respected. I thought it added to the romance, and didn’t cast Kate in an unfavorable light. Julian has been waiting for her, for a long time but he can’t scare her away. His past is potentially very dangerous for Kate, and he must protect her which is not easy to do when someone is as stubborn and hard headed as Kate.

I was fully invested in Julian and Kate’s relationship. While their relationship is fast paced, it’s believable. I really enjoyed the Wall Street setting and the twists and turns that resulted in that world, especially in 2008 when Wall Street was a very difficult place to be. I thought it added a great dimension to the story. The time travel was not overpowering and confusing; it helped to facilitate the romance and built the story. Williams did a great job incorporating the time travel, giving readers enough to remain curious and intrigued, but not too much to completely pull the reader out of the present-day storyline.

I highly recommend this one! It will be on my 2012 list of favorite books.


  1. I'm really looking forward to reading this one. Glad you loved it!

  2. Wow! I've heard a lot of buzz about this book but figured it wasn't for me because of the romance/time travel thing. After your review, I'm dying to get my hands on a copy!

  3. Sounds fantastic, especially for a debut novel!

  4. I love time travel books, and this sounds right along the lines of Outlander and A Discovery of Witches. This one is on my must read list now! Fantastic review. It's only a matter of time before I get to this one!

  5. You've made me curious enough about this one that I just put in a request for a copy at the library. Great review!

    1. I'll be posting my review tomorrow. Thanks so much for the recommendation!

  6. Time travel books are so fun. I'm reading one right now!

  7. I'm a sucker for time travel books, so I'm going to add this one to my paperbackswap wish list.

  8. Wow! Great review. I've definitely going to add this to my list. I love an epic love story.

  9. Ohh, it's a time travel book -- that's so wonderful! Even though I admit that I love the idea of it, it's really hard to pull off a GOOD time traveling book so I can understand why it's not normally your favourite... but I'm so glad that this one is! The relationship between Kate and Julian just sounds so sweet and beautiful :')

    Amazing review, Mrs. Q! <3

  10. Okay. I totally want to read this book now. I think it might have to be my next book purchase.

    Great review!

  11. I got this for review and I simply can't wait to read it! Especially since I love time travel. And the fact that you loved it despite time travel not being your favorite genre, I'm even more impressed with this book.

  12. I've been really interested lately in books that take place on Wall Street, especially in 2008 lol. I'll have to keep this one in mind for that!

  13. Holy cow, ok i like time travel and a little romance, contemporary not so much..but this sounds divine! I love that it goes back and forth especially to a historical period..like France ooh-la-la. I love that the relationship was believable eep..i want to read this one!
