
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mailbox Monday

Hi Everyone!

I'm a little late tonight, sorry. My blog was a little slower last week, I've been getting a lot of reading done but I didn't feel like reviewing. I plan to get caught up with reviews this week. I'm trying to be a little more flexible with my blog for the summer. 

This week I received these for review:

I bought two ebooks:

I also expanded my ereader family, and bought a Kindle! My main reason for buying a Kindle was because I find egalley's formatted better for Kindle. Plus, some books and deals are only available on Kindle. I bought the basic Wifi model, and I'm really happy with it so far. 

Happy reading~!


  1. I liked Bright Young Things, even though I prefer the author's previous series. Enjoy your new books! :)

  2. Bright Young Things looks really good. And yay for shiny new readers :)

  3. You have some great looking books to look forward to reading. Have a great week!

  4. I've found that too, the egalley format for Kindle is much easier to read. The lead in A Door in the River sounds interesting - enjoy!

  5. Enjoy your new purchase! Happy reading.

  6. Replies
    1. I like buying Kobo books because I can read them on my Sony too. I will use the Kindle as a secondary ereader. I want to keep the majority of my ebooks in epub format. This way I can change devices and won't be limited. Kindle has some deals that aren't available at other stores. I've also come across some books that weren't available at other ebook stores. They each have their pro's and con's and I like both equally.

  7. I'm curious about Bright Young Things. Enjoy your books...and your Kindle!

  8. I love my Kindle - it has increased my reading. A Door in the River by Inger Ash Wolfe and The Angels Share by Rayme Waters look interesting to me.
    Happy Reading!

  9. Very nice. Hope you enjoy your new Kindle. Kindles are awesome reading devices.


  10. Congrats on the kindle it's the same model as mine and I love it. I won a kindle touch which is now my mothers new toy. She loves it though the touch is very frustrating sometimes so I think ours is the better model.

    1. I have a Sony Touch, and I always find myself using the buttons. So far, I really like it.

  11. The title of the first book has me curious! Enjoy all your new books.

  12. I got The Book of Mormon Girl too and I'm really excited about it. I hope you love your books and your Kindle too!

  13. Congrats on the new kindle. There are a lot more free books for kindle than others too. Enjoy it and your new books.

  14. Congratulations on your Kindle!! It will be interesting to see if you think you read a book much faster on there then print. I know it seems that way to me. Have a great week!

  15. Hmm, I also don't like the way some egalleys are formatted on ePub devices like Sony. Maybe a Kindle is a good idea for me too...
    Hope you enjoy Bright Young Thngs, I found it really good!

  16. I am sure you will love your Kindle!! Great boks too!

  17. Enjoy your new books and the Kindle! I've fallen a bit behind in reading like I do every summer, so I might take it easy with the blogging for the rest of the summer myself. Happy reading!

  18. Enjoy your new kindle! I got a Kindle Touch not too long ago, and I love it. Of course, I got a Droid smart phone not too long after that, and now the Kindle is kind of obsolete. The Kindle app does everything the Kindle Touch does and more (in color, too!). And then there are other apps that read pdfs and epubs and nook format stuff... so yeah, I read on my phone much more often.

    Still, the Kindle has my Droid beat in terms of battery life. That counts for something, right? ;)

    Jonathan @ www.ireadabookonce.com

  19. Congrats on your Kindle. The amount of books you can get free is so going to make it worth your while.

  20. interesting selection, looking forward to your reviews

    Enjoy your Kindle! I'm still waiting for a half-sized iPad :D

  21. I know you will enjoy the Kindle! Looking forward to your reviews of your new reads!

    1. My first link listed is not correct(#40). Not sure what I did. I can't figure out how to delete it. Sorry!

  22. I have a Kindle, and I love using it, but more and more often, I am reading paper books, so I find that it gets less use than I thought it would. A lot of these books sound great, and I am thinking that I need to snap up a few of them as well. Great stack! Have fun with your Kindle!

  23. Congrats on your new reader! Those two books at the bottom look interesting!

  24. I think we're all a bit slacking over the summer in general, but we should take time for ourselves too sometimes! :D

    And YAY, you got a Kindle! Oh, the awesome-ness. Lol. I actually just got the same one but international edition! Mine crashed sadly enough just before my computer went, so I've had a gadget update in my house. :p I love mine too! Hope you continue to do so.

  25. You got some great books. And a Kindle...cool! I won a Kindle Touch awhile back and I'm really liking it. I have a Sony Reader, but like you said, there's more opportunity for free books on the Kindle.

    Have a great week!

  26. I have a Kobo eReader and love it but I have been considering getting a Kindle as well, for some of the ebook offers you can only get on a Kindle. I hope you enjoy your new Kindle and books.
