
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Review: Traveler’s Rest by Ann Tatlock

Publisher: Bethany House
Pages: 352
Released: 2012
Source: Publisher
Rating: 4.5/5

Jane loved Seth for as long as she could remember, always watching from afar and wishing he would return the sentiment. It took him a little longer, but he finally came around. The happy couple planned to marry, but had to postpone due to Seth’s military duty. When he returned home, they would continue with their plans and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, Seth didn’t return home the same man he was when he left. Seth was shot in the neck and left a paraplegic, determined to have Jane move on and forget about him. He wanted more for Jane, and knew her dreams would not come true, if he was her husband. She wanted to be his wife, and Seth knew she would become his nurse. He sent her a letter asking her not to come to the hospital, but Jane didn’t want to give up so easily. Seth was her fiancĂ©, and she was determined to keep her commitment. Everyone around her, including Seth’s parents advised her that it might be best to move on. She would find love again.


This book left me emotionally drained. I was able to easily put myself in Jane’s shoes and hurt with her. She was grieving the future; she knew she would never have but desperately wanted. As much as Seth wanted to be her husband, he wanted more for her. It’s not easy to just walk away, and it’s not easy to have the man you love, ask you to leave. Jane struggled with what she should do, what was the best thing for the both of them.

While Jane spent many days in the hospital with Seth, she formed strong friendships with other visitors and residents. These friends are her rock when her life becomes so shaky. Truman is a resident at the hospital, and a retired doctor. Jane has many conversations with him about Seth’s prognosis and her future. They bond over chocolate milk, and difficult conversations. Another secondary character would be Jon-Paul, a blind man who frequently visits the hospital and plays piano in the atrium. His music provides Jane with an escape, and she looks forward to their conversations.

This book is categorized as Christian Fiction but it doesn’t fit the mould. It’s unique, not preachy, and would certainly appeal to everyone. If you didn’t know it was published by a Christian publisher, you probably would never guess it was Christian fiction. This is the second book I’ve read by Ann Tatlock, and she has proved herself once again, to be a great writer. Highly recommended!


  1. Interesting! Sounds a bit like An Affair to Remember.

  2. Glad to hear it's not preachy; that's my biggest complaint about Christian novels. I think this sounds really good, but I can see why it's emotionally draining.

  3. This one sounds pretty good. I'll check into it.

  4. I have this one and hope to read it real soon. All the reviews have been great so far. I've already read another book by this author and enjoyed it.

  5. faith books don't scare me as long as they aren't too preachy..."too much salt spoils the meat " as my grandma use to say. I like that this was emotional engaging with fleshed out characters. I need to check this out and the author! Great review cupcake!
