
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, September 9, 2013

Review: The Night Film by Marisha Pessl

Publisher: Bond Street Books
Pages: 624
Released: 2013
Source: Publisher
Rating: 3.5/5


Stanislas Cordova is a well-known horror, film director. He allows very little to be known about him, and many rumors have evolved. His family are very secretive and they stay away from mainstream life. When his daughter Ashley Cordova is found dead in an abandoned warehouse, investigators believe she committed suicide. Investigative journalist, Scott McGrath spent far too much energy investigating Stainlas, he lost everything but with Ashley’s death, he can feel that something isn’t quite right. Scott teams up with two strangers to help uncover Ashley’s secrets, and find out what really happened in that warehouse.


Everyone raved about this one, and I couldn’t wait to read it. Pessl’s literary thriller had everyone talking, and I quickly realized she’s a fantastic writer. Unfortunately, about half-way through I felt like the book began to feel drawn out. I enjoyed the story, but at times didn’t feel like picking it back up. I didn’t find myself getting lost in the story. I think all the hype left me disappointed. Night Film includes articles, and other mixed media which adds to the story, but also left me wanting to skip some of it.  I think if you’re able to devote a good chunk of time reading the novel, it wouldn’t drag on as much. I was on vacation, and found myself having to put it down and pick it back up many times. I think this led to me not fully being able to get absorbed in the novel.

This book was clearly a hit with many bloggers and reviewers. Her debut book was as well. I've had it on my shelves for years, and still haven't read it. The Night Film is definitely worth the time and effort to read it, but just don’t expect too much. I expected too much, and with this being a hefty book, I didn’t enjoy it as much. If you’re curious about this one- try it out, and let me know what you think. I actually felt guilty not liking this one as much as everyone else. 


  1. I definitely didn't like it as much as everyone else! And it wasn't because of the hype, because I read it as an ARC before the hype started! But definitely lots of others loved this one!

  2. Yeah, I've seen all those raves and that kind of makes me leery to read the book. Maybe when some of the hype dies down. I do appreciate your honest opinion of the book.

  3. I haven't read this book, but thanks for your honest review.

  4. For some reason this one doesn't appeal to me. And after reading your review, it appeals to me even less. Too bad it was disappointing for you though.

  5. So much hype for this one - especially on twitter. Sorry it didn't meet your expectations.

  6. I'm curious about this one, but if I do read it, I think I'll wait til the buzz dies down.

  7. Wow, it is a hefty book. I'm not sure I could have stuck with it.
