
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, September 13, 2013

Review: The Vow by Jessica Martinez

Publisher: Simon Pulse
Pages: 432
Released: October 2013
Source: Publisher
Rating: 4/5


Mo and Annie have been best friends for years, but no one seems to understand that they are just friends. When Mo first moved to town, Annie saved him from ridicule and feeling like an outsider. Mo has always been there for her, and doesn’t tip-toe around the fact that her sister was murdered. Everyone else seems to pity her or chose their words rather carefully when speaking to her. When Mo’s father losses his job and by extension his work visa, the family is forced to move back to Jordan. Annie is distraught and refuses to allow Mo to move back. They marry, for love but a different kind of love. Annie is not ready to give up their friendship; she can’t lose another person in her life. When they learn that they will have to live together as a married couple, and lie to everyone, Annie is worried about how they will keep the secret and not be charged for fraud. This is further tested when Annie meets a college-boy named Reed who seems to tell her all the right things.


I really enjoyed The Vow, and thought it was a great read. Mo and Annie are genuine friends who will do anything for one another. Their struggle is real and they are forced to realize that life choices are not always easy. Annie realizes that marrying Mo and dating is out of the question, her unsupportive parents are also a problem. Since the death of her sister, her parents haven’t really engaged in her life. They’ve also been overly protective and Annie knows moving out will hurt them tremendously. Mo has to deal with the guilt to having Annie give up so much, and missing his family.

I thought The Vow was original and realistic. Their obstacles are real and their friendship is tested. The book is told from both Annie and Mo’s perspective which really adds to the story. The character development really held my attention and pulled me into the story. I haven’t read any of Jessica Martinez’s previous books, but I’m thoroughly impressed with her as an author. I will definitely be placing Virtuosity and The Space Between Us on my wish list.


  1. The cover made me think the book might be kind of silly but it doesn't sound that way at all. Thanks for the great review!

  2. It does sound like an original story. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  3. What a great premise for story. I'm going to make a note of this one, especially since it left such an impression with you.
