
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Review: Mother, Mother by Koren Zailckas

Publisher: Crown
Released: 2013
Pages: 384
Source: Publisher
Rating: 5/5


Matriarch Josephine wants everyone to see that she has the perfect family and she’s the perfect wife. In reality, she is far from perfect and her life hasn’t panned out exactly how she wanted. She manipulates her children and husband and tries to control everything around her. Her husband is an alcoholic and she seems to enjoy his weakness. Her son has autism spectrum, and she constantly reminds him that he is not like other children. She’s pulled him out of school and home schools him. Josephine loves that she is his world, and intends to keep him away from everyone. Her oldest daughter has gone missing, and the police presume she’s run away, and they recommend giving her time. Violet has little recollection of fight that happened at home; apparently she hurt her brother and a knife was involved, but she knows in her heart that she would never hurt him. Also, no one will tell her if her brother is okay. Violet needs to make it clear that their mother can’t be trusted. The only problem is Violet has been committed to a mental hospital and she’s not sure if anyone would trust her enough to believe her.


Mother, Mother is a great physiological thriller. When readers pick up the book and begin to read, Josephine’s voice is suspicious. The book is told from alternating perspectives and it’s really interesting to see William and Violet’s perspective of their mother. William would do anything and say anything to protect his mother. He trusts her every word, and knows that his mother needs protecting. Violent on the other hand, is confused and trying to find out what really happened during their fight, her sister’s disappearance and is hurt when she knows her father’s alcoholism keeps him blind sighted.

Mother, Mother has a great plot line  and well developed characters. Josephine will have readers disgusted and furious over her actions. Her children are pawns in her life, and she does what she pleases. Her husband is easily controlled and she uses him against his own children. Readers who enjoy psychological thrillers, drama and/or suspense will love this one. I will certainly be looking out for her next read.


  1. I don't often read thrillers, but your review is terrific. This one is going on my list!

  2. I'm not sure if I'll be reading this one, but I've hear great things about it, so maybe.....
    Great review!
