
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Review: Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight

Publisher: Harper
Released: 2013
Pages: 337
Source: Personal Copy
Rating: 5/5

Reconstructing Amelia is an amazing debut novel. I had only heard good things about this book, but kept an open mind going in. A lot of times young adult books are hit or miss with me. I really needed something entirely different from my previous read, otherwise I would surely be disappointed in my next read. It’s really hard to pick up a new book when the one you finished was so good. Immediately, Reconstructing Amelia grabbed my attention and demanded that I pick up the book every chance I got. So,  let’s dive in and let me explain a bit about this one:

Kate Baron, a single mother with a very demanding job juggles her time between work and her teenage daughter. All her life her parents instilled in her a sense of career and focus.  As a partner in a law firm, Kate has had to put in long hours and Amelia seemed to mostly understand and accept that Kate works very hard for all that they have.  Amelia is an excellent student and well-rounded teenager. However, her daughter Amelia has been asking a lot of questions about her father, asking to spend a semester in Paris and she seems distant. Kate knows something is going on with her. When Kate receives a phone call that her daughter was caught cheating, Kate knows that’s not true because her daughter would never cheat. Despite her hectic schedule, she knows her daughter and knows how important academia is to Amelia. When Kate gets to the school and realizes there’s police and an ambulance, she begins to wonder what is going on. Kate unfortunately learns that her daughter jumped from the roof and committed suicide. Kate knows her daughter didn't cheat, didn't jump and when she starts to receive anonymous text messages that tell her Amelia didn't jump, Kate starts digging into Amelia life. It seems like everyone has a secret to uncover.

As a new parent it was hard to read about Kate’s grief, and knowing that her only daughter was gone forever. Once she starts getting deeper into Amelia’s life, readers really want to know what happened. There are quite a few twists at the end that I didn't see coming. The book mostly takes place in present day, but we do get some flashbacks of Kate as a young mom. Amelia’s narrative is interwoven throughout the story explaining her months beforehand.  Her life really started to spiral out of control with bullying, hazing, questions about her own sexuality, difficult friendships and school pressure. Reconstructing Amelia is a multi-layered novel that is sure to capture your attention, and leave you recommending it to others. 


  1. I liked this one a lot too but did think one of the adults acting a bit strangely. Of course, that's easy to see in hindsight.

  2. I loved how twisty this book was! I always like being surprised!
