
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, December 12, 2014

Review: The House of Riverton by Kate Morton

Publisher: Washington Square Press
Published: 2009
Source: Personal Copy
Rating: 5/5

I started The House of Riverton while going through a major reading slump, and decided to pick this one up. Kate Morton has never left me disappointed but I didn’t know what to expect from her debut novel.  It was on my tbr list for a long time, and I thought I should give it a chance. As soon as I began to read, I knew I was going to love it. In the end, I was right, this book was amazing and I had trouble to put the book down. The characters were so vivid, and likable. For those who watch Downton Abbey, the world was very similar; Aristocratic family relationships upstairs, while the servants live and interact downstairs.

The House of Riverton introduces readers to Grace; she’s ninety-eight years old and living in a nursing home.  When a filmmaker contacts Grace about her time living at Riverton, Grace realizes that so much of Riverton was a mystery, including an alleged suicide by a family friend. Grace begins to tell her story and readers are taken on a captivating ride. At fourteen Grace was given a position as a servant, her mother was once a servant and seemed to have some pull since positions weren't easily given. Grace was told to listen and do as she was told but she couldn't help but become fascinated with the children upstairs. Grace’s attachment to the siblings grew overtime and her loyalty remained strong.  As the children grow into young adults, Grace is fully aware of their struggles and desires.

Kate Morton’s descriptions are so vivid. 1920’s England, a world war and its aftermath are all key elements in story. While readers will love the past story, Grace’s present story is also very interesting. Grace admits that she wasn’t the best mother. She mentions that mothers and daughters have a difficult relationship because there’s so much pressure but grandchildren are different. The expectations are different. She has a close relationship with her grandson but his life has recently been turned upside down, and he hasn’t communicated to anyone in months. Grace knows that her time is limited, but she’s kept so many secrets for so long. The House of Riverton won't disappoint. Kate Morton is one of my favorite authors and can't wait for her upcoming release. 


  1. I've never tried Morton's work but, boy, have you made it sound wonderful!

  2. I need to read this one. Everything that I've read by Morton so far has been super enjoyable!
