
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

December Books Read

December was a good reading month, I read books that I really enjoyed. I tried reading a Christmas book but I wasn't feeling it and decided to move on. Go Set A Watchman was very interesting, and I'm glad I finally decided to read it. I really saw the book as a first draft, but I will have a review coming. Talking As Fast As I Can by Lauren Graham was a great read, especially after watching the revival on Netflix. She seems like a genuinely nice person, who enjoys what she does. My absolute favorites for this month were Paper Princess and Broken Prince. While these books take place in high school, this is not a young adult book. I consider these books New Adult. Both books left me wanting more and I had to continue the next books right away. I never read books in a series back to back, but I had to with these. They were really good, and I just finished the third book. Highly recommended.

My reading goals for January are to keep up the momentum with reading. Find books that I really enjoy, and make time to read them. When I don't make the time to read, it feels like I'm missing something.

I've also been watching This is Us and I'm loving the show. I'm only about 5 episodes in, but I thoroughly enjoy each episode. I heard good things and decided to give it a chance, and I'm so glad that I did. I don't take the time to watch shows or movies very much, but I would like to change this.

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