
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Review: Tethered by Amy Mackinnon

Publisher: Broadway
Pages: 272
Source: Personal Copy

The protagonist Clare Marsh is a mortician who lives a rather secluded life. We learn that Clare's childhood was not at all happy. She lived a life of emotional and sexual abuse and ran away at a young age. She seems at peace among the dead and most uncomfortable among the living. Her boss Linus and his wife Alma believe themselves to be orphan parents since their young son passed away. They see Clare as an orphan child and love to treat her as their daughter but Clare never fully opens up to them, she does not know how to accept affection and always remains distant. She is constantly thinking about how she is suppose to react in any given situation. Claire is always on guard and she tries to keep her emotions in check. When a young girl named Trecie is found playing in the funeral home, and believed to be linked to an unsolved murder case. Clare sees herself in Trecie, her same desperation and decides she must do whatever she can to help her. Unlike the people in her life who blatantly refused to help her. 

This story in unlike anything I've read before. Tethered took me by surprise and brought me on an emotional ride. It's not the type of novel I usually read, I tend to stay away from mystery novels. I was captivated by this haunting story from the beginning. As a debut novelist, I hope Amy Mackinnon will write more books. Her writing is beautiful, and I just wanted to keep turning the pages. 

The cover, is stunning!


  1. This sounds like a book I'd have trouble putting down.

  2. Is it not the best when you find something outside of your norm and it makes for a good experience. Yeppers very happy to hear this one got to you.

    PS will have to catch up when I get back to MTL.

  3. I love edgy psychological stories like this. Good review! Thanks for visiting me...I'm following you.

