
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Review: The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E Pearson

Publisher: Henry Holt and Co
Pages: 272
Source: Personal Copy

Jenna Fox has been lying comatose for a year, after a tragic accident she wasn't expected to survive. Upon waking up, Jenna does not recall anything, including who she is. She struggles to figure out who she is by continually watching home videos hoping to jog her memory. Fragments slowly come back to her but they mean nothing to her. She does not feel connected to the Jenna in the videos, or the Jenna in her memory. Some things are really confusing for Jenna. How can she remember things that happened when she was an infant but not her most recent years? How can she remember so many facts, and school curriculum? She remembers history facts but is told history was never her subject. Jenna becomes suspicious of her parents, and rightfully so. Her parents are very secretive and locked doors are common in her house. Her grandmother seems very distant and cold, despite the fact she remembers they were very close before the accident. Why does her grandmother seem to avoid her? When Jenna beings to piece her past together, and she begins to figures out their secret, she does not like what she learns. It raises more difficult questions for her. Is she still the old Jenna or is the old Jenna gone? Where does she go from here? 

The Adoration of Jenna Fox is one of the most imaginative, haunting stories i've read in awhile. I was hooked from the first page, and I felt sad to finish and leave Jenna behind. I felt Jenna's frustration and confusion throughout the novel. I also felt for her parents. Jenna was perfect in their eyes. She was their miracle child, and they would stop at nothing to protect her. This book will not disappoint. I will be looking for more novels by Mary E Pearson.

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  1. I LOVED Jenna Fox so much. Glad you did too. Did you know the sequel is coming out on Tuesday?

  2. Quite a while ago I had written this title on my TRB list and then forgot about it. But your terrific review has sparked me to buy it.

  3. I really enjoyed this one, too. Now I need to get my hands on the sequel!

  4. I didn't know about the sequel. I must get it now! Thanks for letting me know.

  5. So many people I trust have loved this one. I've got to get hold of it!

  6. How come I've never heard of this before! Sounds very interesting. Must add to my wishlist.

  7. I liked this one quite a bit too. Though I don't know if I am going to read the sequel or not as I heard it's not as good?

    My review if you are interested: http://mentalfoodie.blogspot.com/2010/02/book-review-adoration-of-jenna-fox-by.html

  8. Will add this one to read as well. Amazing review and will note it down as a definite read now.
