
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Top 5 YA Novels of 2011

So many great YA novels were published in 2011. I love reading YA, and the covers suck me in all the time. I'm desperatly waiting for Insurgent, and Pandemoium to come out. I didn't love Forbidden, but it left me very emotionally confused, and for that reason it is on my list.

1 comment:

  1. Natalia Belikov @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 1 week ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    OMG! I havent read Between Shades of Gray and A Beautiful Dark! Shame on me! they are in your top 5! holy cow! I have to read them asap! I love that you choose Forbidden, Delirium and DIvergent! they are totally in my top 5-10 whatever of 2011! =D

    ★Dazzling Reads★
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    Elysium @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 1 week ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    I loved Delirium and Divergent too! I have A Beautiful Dark on my wishlist and it sounds very good.
    My recent post Falling Under by Gwen Hayes

    reviewsbylola @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    Of the books on your list, I have only read Delirium and Divergent but I absolutely loved both of them!

    zibilee @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    I can't wait to read Divergent, and think that I am going to make it one of my first reads of the new year. This was a great list, and I have to admit that Forbidden really made me think and consider a lot of different things about the nature of forbidden relationships. Awesome picks!

    Jenny @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    You've got some fabulous books on that list Jennifer! I adored Delirium as well and am dying to read Pandemonium after that ending! Divergent is definitely high on my list of favorites too, Four and Tris were such great characters:)

    LauraFabiani @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    Delirium, Divergent and Shades of Grey are all on my list of books to read in 2012.

    bluestockingbb @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    The only book on your list that I've read is Divergent.
    My recent post Sticky Toffee Pudding

    Christina @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · 0 points
    I really liked Delirium and Divergent too. I have been meaning to read Between Shades of Grey- I've heard it's really powerful!

    bermudaonion @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    I've only read Between Shades of Gray and I LOVED it. I need to check out the rest of your list.

    JJ iReads @ http://www.mrsqbookadd... - Top 5 YA Novels of 2011 2 weeks ago · 0 replies · +1 points
    I'm so glad Divergent and Delirium made it to your list. Both excellent choices :)
