
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Book Blogging in 2013

Holidays are wrapping up, and I'm ready for them to be over. They were great, but exhausting. I've hardly had any time to read. If I don't read, I get stressed. Reading is how I relax. I've been thinking about my blogging goals for 2013. Last year,  I set a goal to read 80 books and I finished the year with 105. I want to maintain my goal and read 100 books this year. The goal is set on Goodreads, and I'm trying to stick to it. It's certainly not about the amount of books that I read in a year, but I like having a goal.

Next week, my reviews will start up again. I'm also committing to some blog tours this year. I'm hoping to be more organized and get these reviews written ahead of time. I struggle with finding my next read, because I have a huge selection. I'm not complaining that I have so many books, it just makes it more difficult to choose my next read. I might make a list of 3-5 books that I must read each month. These would be books that I keep putting off.

Towards the middle of 2012, I stopped reading young adult books. I needed a break but I'm ready to start reading some of them again. I prefer adult fiction, but I do enjoy the occasional young adult book. I'll be open to recommendations.

I'm not signing up for any specific challenges this year. I'm not good at sticking to challenges.

I've been moving more towards egalleys and I will continue to do this. Physical copies are great, I love receiving books but I read 90% of my books on my ereaders. If I receive a physical books, I usually buy the ebook when I'm ready to read it.

I still plan on reading all of the Canada Reads 2013 finalists. I'm looking forward to starting those soon.

Wishing everyone a great 2013!


  1. Good luck with your goals! I got very little reading done over the holidays too and I'm ready to get back into the groove!

  2. Great goals! I was surprised at my YA reads of last year, way down from the year before. Happy New Year.

  3. A lot of these are great resolutions and would really work for me too! I like the fact that you are going to pick 3-5 must reads per month. I think that is a reasonable number, and not too many.
