
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Review: Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Pages: 400
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends (MacMillian)
Source: Publisher (ARC)

Cinder is a second class citizen, a cyborg with a mysterious past, rescued as a child by her adoptive father, and always resented by her adoptive mother. After the death of her father, Cinder's life was left into the hands of her mother. As a world renowned mechanic, she is the sole supporter of her family but she reaps no benefits. When the Beijing Prince appears at her stand she is surprised and tries to remain professional, he has come with his broken Android, desperate to have it fixed. It's clear that his Android has secret information that must be retrieved and Cinder is his only hope. A plague is ravaging the population, and patients are immediately taken away, never to be seen again. When one of Cinder’s sisters is diagnosed and taken away, Cinder's mother places all the blame on her and retaliates. Cinder is sent away against her will to test for possible cures for the plague, experiments that have killed many cyborgs.

Cinder is a futuristic retelling of Cinderella like no other. A young adult novel with an amazing mix of believable science fiction and dystopian elements. The creativity that shines through this story is fantastic. The classic fairy tale weaves underneath an original, and riveting tale. Readers will not be disappointed, and despite the retelling they will not find the story predictable. Cinder is the first book in the Lunar Chronicals  the series will consist of four books.

I really felt for Cinder from the very beginning, she is mocked, teased and a society outcast. Some fear her for being an android, and turn the other way when they see her. She has issues with herself, and detests her cyborg parts. Ashamed of the mechanical parts that have saved her life. When Prince Kai begins to show interest in her, she tries to keep her cyborg identity a secret. She knows despite his interests, he would change his mind the minute he uncovered her identity.

The secondary characters were very well incorporated, and each stood on their own. Iko, the family android and Cinder are friends. Their relationship is really gratifying. Cinder loves that Iko's personality chip is malfunctioning, but worries about her mother asking to have her fixed and neutralized. When Pearl is diagnosed with the plague, Cinder is truly heartbroken but relieved to be plague-free when tested. Her life is turned upside down when she is shipped off for experimentation. This is where her stepmother’s hatred really shines through. The uncovering of Cinder’s past was a little predictable for me but the story leaves lots of questions. This one is highly recommended, and I'm looking forward to the upcoming novels. If you like to root for the underdog, this one would be great for you.

For those of you who enjoy Audiobooks, here is an except:


  1. This has such a creative premise and I love how it's a re-telling of Cinderella!

  2. I am reading this right now, and am almost finished. I can't wait to see how it ends, but I already know this is going to be a quartet, so I know there will be cliffhangers. I am having a good time with it though, and think it's a pretty original story!

  3. I have been seeing this book everywhere lately. Thanks for the great review, it sounds like a good one!

  4. I think this book was written with my sister in mind - it has all the elements she loves!

  5. I can't wait to try this one. I keep hearing awesome things. Great review :)

  6. I can't wait to try this one. I keep hearing awesome things. Great review :)

  7. I knew who Cinder was as soon as they mentioned a certain someone briefly in the beginning, but even with that predictability I still loved this one, so glad you did too Jennifer! I thought Cinder was a fabulous heroine, and I can't wait to see how she's going to deal with her newly discovered knowledge of who she is:)

  8. Looks like everyone's hitting the dystopian/steampunk jackpot. I've been reading the reviews for this one and everyone only has good things to say. I love the idea of retelling the Cinderella fairy tell with technological aspects. You have certainly piqued my interest in this one. Great review.

  9. YAY!! I just picked a copy of this one up from the library but your review makes me wish I'd bought it instead! This book sounds absolutely AMAZING! :) Fairytale re-tellings are honestly some of my favourite stories ever, but one that's original and complicated and has awesome characters is definitely one that I'll probably stay up all night to finish! x)

    Awesome review, Mrs. Q! :) I'm really glad that you liked this one -- I can't wait to start my copy! <3

  10. sounds pretty good! and different. :)

  11. This sounds terrific. I've been wondering about this book and your review has convinced me to buy it.

  12. This book sounds fantastic! I'll have to see if my library has a copy. Great review!

  13. I got this a couple of weeks ago and I'm really excited to read it. Great review!

  14. Great review for this book! I really enjoyed it myself, and I felt really bad for Cinder as well. I'm dying to get my hands on the next book in the series!

  15. I agree about the secondary characters! I didn't think too much about it at the time, but they really added depth to this book. Awesome review!

  16. Great review! I am glad to see that you liked it too as I plan reading it in the next couple days. I've always loved Cinderella stories, and dystopian books are great for me too.
    I hope I'll like it as much as you did.
    Happy midnight reading!

  17. I'm planning on starting this today and now I can't wait - it sounds wonderful! Great review :)

  18. Great review. It was as fun to read as the book itself. I can't wait for the second book! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
