
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Review: Sisterhood Everlasting

Publisher: Random House
Pages: 368
Released: 2011
Source: Publisher
Rating: 5/5


Readers were first introduced to Lena, Tibby, Carmen and Bridget as teenagers in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. Their mother’s met in a prenatal exercise class, and they’ve been inseparable since they were born. They are “the Septembers,” all born within two weeks of each other. One summer they seemed to be going their different ways, and a pair of pants, a set of guidelines and letters back and forth, kept them together. Ten years later, they’re friendships are not as strong as they once were but Tibby has a plan. Carmen, Bridget and Lena each receive a letter which included a plane ticket. If you fell in love with these girls in the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series, you will want to follow up with them ten years later.


I loved Sisterhood Everlasting and I highly recommend it! I’m a fan of both the books and the movies, which is not something you will hear me say very often. When I was offered this book for review, I couldn’t pass it up. I will warn you, this book will break your heart but the overall story will leave you satisfied.

I found it very interesting to see how the girl’s lives have progressed and carried them in different directions; their personalities stayed intact which really cemented the characters for me. Ten years later, and in many ways they are still the same girls we met as teenagers. Life has gotten in the way and they‘re on very different paths, yearning to be as close as they once were, but each is afraid to make the first step. If your friends haven’t made the effort, why should you? Tibby makes the first step; unfortunately a tragedy occurs that really test the girl’s strength.

Tibby is living in Australia with Brian, she has many secrets that will be revealed during the course of the novel. When Lena, Carmen and Bridget receive a plan ticket for Greece, they are ecstatic to have a reunion. Carmen is a famous actress, engaged to a man her friends are not very friendly with. Bridget and Eric are continually moving, Bridget unable to commit to any location, still the free-hearted girl she once was. Lena is a university art teacher, dating a man, she never intends to marry- secretly, her heart still flutters when Kostos is mentioned.

I really feel like these girls grew up along side of me, and I really appreciated this book. I thought it proved that life is not always fair, the best of intentions don’t always work out perfectly, and friendships can be hard to maintain. As young adults, starting your careers and choosing your life path can pull you away from your friends however, some friendships deserve the extra effort. If you’ve read the previous books, you really should pick this one up as well.


  1. I loved seeing how everything ended up for all of the characters. This book definitely made me a little sad though.

  2. I haven't read these books or watched the movies. Fail. I've heard great things though, and I like that this last book is realistic - life definitely isn't always fair so I appreciate that when it's portrayed:)

  3. i've watched the movie, but never read the books. i know shame on me! this definitely sounds interesting though. i love reading the epilogue and seeing where the characters end up so to have an extended epilogue that is its own book, well just sign me up for it. i'll have to go back and read the traveling pants before i read this one though.

  4. I have never read these books, but my daughter loves them. I have the collection here at home, so maybe I can give them a try. It's also cool that I can read the books and then watch the movies. Great review today! I am glad that this book really resonated with you!

  5. I've read some of these books, but I'm afraid I never finished the series...though I wanted too, so I suppose I should get on that sometime. LOL I did really enjoy the films too though.

    Great review. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one. I loved that the author wrote about the friends when they were older. Such a fun idea.


  6. I wonder why the author felt the need to continue their stories? But at least the book was satisfying. I haven't read the first two books but I did see the first movie. Looks like I need to catch up so I don't miss out on these great stories.

  7. ooh I read the first and didn't realize this was about the girls, your review has me itching to read it. I want to see the different directions they all took!

  8. While I've never reallly read the series, I'm pulled to this story. I want to see what happens to the girls. (I saw the movie)

  9. Glad to see you enjoyed this series. I haven't read it, but maybe someday.

  10. You nailed it, sad but satisfying.

  11. I really enjoyed reading the first 4 pants books, and as soon as I heard about this one I've been dying to read it. I haven't had a chance to yet, but hopefully will get to it soon.
