
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Review: Home by Toni Morrison

Publisher: Knopf
Pages: 160
Released: 2012
Source: Publisher
Rating: 4.5/5


Frank Money is a bitter, damaged veteran, he has been lost since returning from the Korean War, and he’s since been institutionalized. When he receives word that his sister has been medically abused by a doctor who has been experimenting on her, he escapes and rushes to try and rescue her. Frank is miles and miles away, and has plenty of time to reflect on his past. Frank is angry, and trying to find his place in the world he left behind, forced to return to the state he never wanted see again. Life was difficult during the war, but life has been even more difficult since he’s returned; he’s been harboring a deep, dark secret that he can’t run away from, he’s mourning his two best friends that fought along-side him, two friends that he grew up with, and feeling guilty for being the only one who survived. Frank still has life lessons to learn.


Home is a short novel, but it is action-packed and will keep readers on their toes. The plot is relatively simple, but very satisfying. Frank Money reminisces about his past, but he’s not completely reliable. Readers will need to remember how fragile he really is, he’s tortured by his past, and his future looks bleak. Can saving his sister snap him out of his tortured mind? He’s been abusing alcohol, and trusting no one. Frank learns that home is where the heart is, and sometimes it is where you least expect to find it. People can surprise you, and offer assistance when you never thought it was possible.

I haven’t read many Toni Morrison novels, but I really loved Home. I would really like to explore more of her novels. Home is a perfect book club read, that case be discussed on many different levels. I believe it takes a talented writer to evoke so many emotions in a reader, with a mere 160 pages. Since it is so short, you will refuse to put the book down. Morrison depicts the racial issues at the time, and it’s very interesting to read about the racial divide and how this affects Frank. I highly recommend this one! I will certainly be checking out more of her novels as well.


  1. Glad to hear you liked this! My husband likes her a lot but I am a bit intimidated by her. This one sounds like I could understand it though!

  2. I've read a couple of her books and really need to explore more of her titles. This one sounds really good.

  3. I always like it when a protagonist is an unreliable witness, it keeps me on my toes the whole time I'm reading:) Glad you enjoyed this one Jennifer!

  4. I have to be honest and say I've tried reading Toni Morrison's books and never made it past the first page. I wonder if I would do better with them now that I'm older? This one seems filled with angst, and emotions. I hope Frank found his happy place.

  5. I read a couple of Morrison novels in college (Beloved, Sula) and really enjoyed her writing, but it's been years. I think this would be the perfect one for me to ease back into her works. Glad to see you loved it.

  6. I'm so glad to read your review because I have been wanting to read this, but I have heard so many intimidating things about Morrison including this book that I wasn't sure. But now I know I'd definitely like to try and might start with this one.

  7. I have this on my list. So glad that you enjoyed it. Have a great week!
