
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Review: Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Publisher: Crown
Pages: 432
Released: 2012
Source: Personal Copy
Rating: 5/5


Nick and Amy Dunne have relocated to Missouri to help care for his mother. They recently lost their jobs, their savings and New York could no longer be called home. It's taken Amy awhile to adjust, their marriage has been strained but their fifth wedding anniversary is one Nick will never forget. When Nick's neighbor calls to mention his cat is standing on the doorstep with the door wide-open, Nick has no idea how much his life will change. He knows his cat is never outside, and he can't figure out why his front door would be left open. Why would his wife Amy, leave the door open? When he enters his house, it's clear that a struggle took place, and his wife is nowhere to be found. When Nick calls the police, they quickly begin questioning him. Nick becomes the prime suspect, and his lies begin to pile up. He can't be completely honest with police because he has been hiding a few secrets, secrets that would make him look even more suspicious. As the police begin investigating, Nick looks more and more guilty. His wife has a journal chronicling his abuse towards he and she's told friends that she is scared of him. Nick needs to find Amy, and clear his name. 


Gone Girl  has been receiving a lot of buzz, and I couldn't ignore the rave reviews. I was immediately drawn into Flynn's style and plot. The alternating perspectives between Nick and Amy really add to the suspense. Readers are constantly wondering what is going on, and questioning the two characters. Is Nick really innocent? Is Amy really a victim? I was not able to trust either character, I couldn't help but keep reading and try to piece together the puzzle. Just when I thought I figured out where the plot was moving, Flynn would throw in another twist. Nick admits to lying to the police, and that really adds to the drama. What is he hiding? Nick's actions do nothing to take away the suspicion but he is adamant that he did nothing to Amy. As Nick begins piecing together clues as to what Amy has been up to, he uncovers that Amy had secrets of her own.

I disliked both Amy and Nick, it's hard to enjoy a book when you don't like the main characters, but I had no trouble enjoying this mystery. I couldn't wait to figure out what was happening. Readers will find Gone Girl to be a fascinating thriller. This was my first Gillian Flynn novel, and it won't be my last. The ending really sealed the deal, it was nothing like I expected, and completely shocked me. This is a book that you will want to devote a sizable amount of time during your first sitting, because you will not want to put it down.  I highly recommend this one! 



  2. It's so fun to read reactions to this book! I agree though - usually when I don't like the main characters I don't enjoy a book, and in fact, at first, I hated Nick so much I thought I would stop. But other bloggers insisted I continue on and of course I was glad I did!

  3. I have a copy of this book that I won. I cannot wait to read it!

  4. I was curious to see what you thought of this book. I'll have to read it at some point to experience what every blogger is ranting and raving about.

  5. Oh I loved this book too despite not caring for or trusting either of the main characters! Did you know that they are adapting this for the screen with Reese Witherspoon playing Amy? Apparently Flynn is going to write the screenplay adaptation herself. I blogged about it at my site.
    I like your site - I'm a new follower too.

  6. Awesome review. I was gifted this, and hope to read it soon. Now I want to set aside my ARC's and just read this. Eep, thanks for sharing your thoughts and delighted you enjoyed this so much!

  7. I'm beginning to think I'm going to be the last person in the world to read this.

  8. This is one that I just don't think I would like, yet everyone has been praising it. It's enough to make me reconsider.

  9. It says a lot if you can really enjoy the book without liking the main characters. I had this one out from the library but had to bring it back without having started it. Ah, well. Some other time perhaps.

  10. I loved this one too, and thought that it was totally unpredictable and wild. Just when I had thought I had figured it all out, the rug was pulled out from me over and over again. I am going to be reading Sharp Objects soon, because frankly, this woman can write like nobody's business!
