
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, October 8, 2012

Discussion: The Casual Vacancy

The  Casual Vacancy

The Casual Vacancy by J K Rowling 

I’m 53% into the Casual Vacancy and I’m really disappointed. It’s hard to put my thoughts into words. I went into the book knowing that it would be nothing like Harry Potter, I knew it would be geared towards adults but I didn’t realize I would have such a hard time getting through it. My main issue is all the characters. They seem to all blend into each other. I have a hard time figuring out who is who and how they are all connected. Tying the children to their parents is also frustrating, because I can’t really put them together. I find the plot to be VERY slow going, and not very exciting.

One storyline that I am interested in is Terri, Krystal and Robbie. I want to see how their story will progress. I was having an issue with Terri when I felt like her voice kept changing on me. Then I realized there is a Terri and a Tessa…Yes, I got them confused. When I received my hard copy, I flipped through to back track.

I come from a small town, and I understand what she is trying to portray regarding the politics but I’m just not interested in it. I’ve been forcing myself to read this book for over a week, and I really want to finish it, so I can properly review it. At this point, I need to sit down and finish it in one sitting. Picking the book up and putting it back down is not helping me.

To be honest, I don’t like any of the character and I’m not sure what I think about the plot. All the characters seem whinny and they’re not likable. At this point, I just want to finish. Since I seem to always be trying to figure out the characters, I can’t really focus on the plot. I’m reading and thinking about something else. I thought if I just keep reading, it'll all come together...but it's not.

I wanted to start some dialogue about the book. Are you reading the book or have you read the book, what are your thoughts?

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  1. ooh, i was afraid of that. I wanted it and planned to get it for my nook but refused to pay 17.99 for an ebook.

  2. Since I haven't been around the blogosphere much I've only read one other review and that person really liked the book. But that person was into it at every point I think. I say if you really aren't enjoying it, there's no reason to try to make yourself finish it!

  3. I picked it up at my local indie bookstore the other day and opened the jacket to read what it was about. I hadn't even read a synopsis before--I just assumed I'd buy and read it because it was JK Rowling. But when I read the jacket text I was like...snore. The short blurb in the jacket bored me. I can't imagine what the book would do. It sounds like a very boring plot. And at $35 for a hardcopy (almost as much as a novelty, collector's book, special edition, or illustrated copy of a classic!), there was no way I was bringing it home with me! So disappointing.

  4. I haven't started this yet and, after reading this, I'm not all that excited about it. What a disappointment.

  5. This one didn't catch my attention at all. I was waiting to see what the reviews were going to say before even attempting to read it. Too bad it's disappointing to you. How frustrating!

  6. Oh, I am sorry to hear that this one isn't more interesting. I admit that I have been curious, and have wanted to read this one, but it doesn't sound like something that I would enjoy, and the early reviews are saying the same thing. I so wanted it to be a hit, and it's just not :(

  7. I've been curious about it too. Too bad you didn't like it ... I guess we all have pretty high expectations for Rowling. I haven't read it; I will probably snoop around some more reviews before deciding for sure. I wonder if it will get optioned for a film based on J.K. Rowling's name alone!

  8. Not overly excited about reading this book. Your post makes me less excited.

  9. I read it this past week and although I'm still formulating my thoughts, I will admit that I was disappointed in the book. Too convoluted by half and the creation of the parish of Pagford just wasn't all that interesting. :-(

  10. I was extremely disappointed in this book. You can read my review if you'd like. :)


  11. I have to say I really enjoyed this book and loved the small town aspect of it, even though the characters (except the teenagers) are really not likeable. I guess I like that she gets into everyone's heads and everyone is pretty much a mess. Also liked that she really tackles tough issues like drug abuse and doesn't make light of them. But this book won't appeal to most people, I happened to like the slow pace of it.
