
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2012 Recap: Amy Hatvany- Have you tried one of her books?

During the month of December, in addition to  reviews, I will be sharing some of my favorite books and offer some suggestions to read for 2013. No matter how many books we read, there are some that slip through the cracks and I want to encourage you to read some of my favorite reads. 2012 has been a great reading year for me and I hope 2013 is just as good.

In this case, I want to share an author I discovered this year and I loved all 4 of the books that I read. Amy Hatvany is incredibly talented and her stories remain with me long after I close the pages. I remember seeing Best Kept Secret on Skrishna's Blog and I was really curious about the book. The book was about an alcoholic mother who never saw her alcoholism begin until it was too late. Since Swapna and I have similar taste in books, and I decided to give it a try. I found a book that I would be recommending over and over again. Hatvany offers characters who have unique circumstances and difficult family situations. Her characters are real, and they can be easily be someone you know.

"Best Kept Secret is one of the most thought-provoking, emotional books I have read in a long time. It’s real, honest and heartbreaking. Amy Hatvany had me glued to the pages."

Best Kept Secret (Review)

"Amy Hatvany gives a voice to all parties involved. The characters come alive, and their stories are so real and unbiased."

"Hatvany creates stories that cause readers to rethink a difficult situation, and be able to put themselves in those shoes. Her stories give readers a sense of the everyday lives and relationships of the characters, strong secondary characters are well developed and cement the story."

Heart Like Mine releases in March 2013. I received an egalley and I couldn't wait to read it. I thought it was another 5 star rated book, and my review will be upcoming.

If you haven't tried one of Amy Hatvany's books, do yourself a favor and pick one up soon. You will not be sorry. Her books are great, and you will be glued to the pages.


  1. Thanks for sharing, I think I have Best Kept Secret in my tbr pile.

  2. Thanks for the recommendations! All four books sound very good.

  3. Haven' read any of these but she does sound like a good writer .

  4. Best Kept Secret has been on my wish list for a while. Thanks for the reminder!

  5. I have Best Kept Secret, and now that you have mentioned what an incredible author she is, I need to make time for that one, and maybe buy a few of her others. She sounds like she is very talented. Thanks for the push in the right direction!

  6. I've considered reading one of her books, but I tend to sort of be skeptical when authors turn out so many books so fast which is why I've stayed away too.

  7. I do have a couple of her books - now I need to make the time to read them. Thanks for the recommendation!

  8. I read The Language of Sisters and I really enjoyed it. I am going to have to check out the other books by this author, they all sound good!

  9. I have been meaning to read her books because the reviews I've read were good, including yours. Thanks for recommending them!
