
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Catherine McKenzie- Recommended Reading

Catherine McKenzie was born and raised in Montreal. She's a graduate from McGill university. Her books are wonderful reads. Her plots are unique, her characters are likable and you won't be sorry you picked these up. I also recommend gifting these over the holidays for those who are looking for a fast-paced, original story. Honestly, I've read all 3 of her books this year, and I enjoyed each one more than the previous book. I can't wait for her forth book! She has proven that she's an amazing writer. I have no idea where she comes up with her plots...

Spin (review): A writer pretends to be an alcoholic to check in to the same rehab as a famous celebrity.

Arranged (review): A young women, dumped decides to give an arranged marriage a try. It's worked for some, maybe it'll work for her too. The process is expensive, exclusive and a little bit scary...

Forgotten (review): Emma's mother died and gave her a plane ticket to Africa. On her trip an earthquake hits, and it takes her six months to get home. When she finally gets home, she learns that everyone assumed she was dead.

Don't these sound like unique reads?


  1. Adding Arranged to my wishlist, thanks for these recommendations!

  2. SPIN sounds like a novel approach to a timely situation. Am I the only one picturing Lindsay Lohan as Amber? If only Lindsay should be lucky enough to meet someone real enough to care.
    I really appreciate that the writer seems to have drawn complex characters and the setting is ripe for drama. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I've been meaning to try her work actually.

  4. I have to agree, Catherine McKenzie is definitely one of my favorite authors of the year and made it to my absolutely must read list after I read SPIN :)

  5. Thank you so much, this is awesome!! - Catherine McKenzie
