
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What to buy for the ereader in your family?

I wanted to offer some suggestions for those who don't know what to buy the ereader in your family. Maybe you'll want to buy one of these for yourself... I usually order accessories on ebay.

As an ereader, I was really happy when I found a stand for my ereader. This is particularly useful when I'm on lunch by myself or cooking supper.

Both are compact, and fold up. I prefer the smaller one but both are great.

Not everyone has the new glo ereaders, I love my Kandle for my none glo eink readers. I paid 20$ on ebay for it. It also came with a case and extra batteries.

Some other suggestions would be a case. I love accessories, and I have multiple cases. It doesn't hurt to have a second case.

A gift card for an online bookstore! Make sure you know which store to get the gift card for.

A waterproof case. I don't have one but it would be great when reading in the bath.

*Please note I'm not affiliated with any of the online stores linked.


  1. All great ideas! Thanks for highlighting them. I think I want all of them! LOL

  2. Those are some great ideas! I think a stand and a light would be super helpful... I have neither, LOL. Though I am hoping to get the nook glow maybe sometime in the near future.

  3. Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! I've never heard of a Kandle before but I think I need one! So awesome!

    1. I've tried a few lights and the Kandle is the brightest and most even light.

  4. What a great post. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  5. I love the idea of a waterproof case that you can take in the bath, so this is wonderful! I need to get one of these for a friend of mine. Excellent post today!!

    1. I've also heard that some people put their readers in a ziplock bag.

  6. I always use the iPad on my lap so a stand would not be for me. I do have the Kandle though and like it.
