
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Review: Gossip by Beth Gutcheon

Publisher: William Morrow
Released: 2013
Pages: 384
Source: Blog Tour
Rating: 3.5/5


Loviah French didn’t come from a wealthy family but she was able to receive a scholarship to attend an elite prep school which would help set the course of her life. Loviah was able to build friendships with many peers and build life-long relationships. She was able to use her determination and their example to make herself successful. Loviah is always on the edge of New York’s grand social status, close but not close enough. Loviah has two best friends, Dinah and Avis who both attended school with her. The two relationships are kept separated, because Dinah and Avis don’t really enjoy each other’s company. Gossip is about rumors, and the unlikely consequences.


Loviah is an enjoyable character, a successful dressmaker and well respected in the fashion industry. When her family couldn’t afford to continue her education, they encouraged her to pursue an internship with a dressmaker. Loviah learned to love fashion and looked for opportunities to further her career. Dinah is a walking advertisement for Loviah’s clothing, a gossip journalist and well known within the elite social circles. Avis is hard working, and puts her career before her daughter. All three women have their ups and down and their friendships are continually tested.

Gossip was an interesting read, at times I wasn’t sure where the book was headed and wondered what would happen. The ending was nothing like I expected. A rumor can spread like wildfire and consequences can be expected. Dinah and Avis have had children, and their life choices reflect on their children. Loviah’s love for a married man, leaves her feeling disjointed.

The story spans from the 1960’s to post 9/11 New York. Gutcheon tells the story in a non-linear style but keeps readers intrigued. I really enjoyed this one and recommend it to readers.


  1. This one sounds interesting. I'm adding it to my list.

  2. I loved this one and definitely had clue it would end as it did.

  3. I listened to this one last year (at least I think it was last year) and enjoyed it a little bit more than you did.

  4. I have this one on audio, and need to get to it. It sounds like one that I would really like. Light enough to be fun, but with some heavy themes as well. Nice review today!!

  5. I love the story kept you guessing the whole way through and then brought everything together in the end!

    Thanks for being a part of the tour.

  6. Yeah, gossip can cause a lot of harm. Might pick this up at some point.

  7. I hope you've had a fabulous birthday!
