
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, March 16, 2015

Review: Inside by Alix Ohlin

Publisher: Knopf
Released: 2012
Source: Personal Copy
Pages: 258
Rating: 4/5

Inside was sitting on my tbr shelf for a long time and I decided to pick it up. I started reading it and was enjoying it but had to take a break. I had just finished “Everything They Never You” and the cast of characters were starting to weigh me down. This was another book of unhappy characters, at a crossroads in life, and I needed a break. I came back to this one when I was in the mood, and I really enjoyed it.  Sometimes you need to step away from a book and come back and I’m so happy that I did. If I would have plowed through it, just to finish it, I wouldn't have had the same experience.

Inside introduces readers to three main characters and story lines. Grace is a devoted therapist, divorced, and trying to figure out her life. When she stumbles across a man who just failed to hang himself, she immediately calls 911 and tries to help him. Once he’s released from the hospital, Grace continues to try and be there for him. She tries to ignores the strange feelings she has for him, but soon enough they start a relationship. His past is still very much a part of their present, and future. Also, an important character in the book is Grace’s troubled teenage patient who runs away to New York to get away from her parent’s and tries to make it as an actress. Grace’s ex-husband, also a therapist is trying to sort out his own life and runs away to Northern Canada.

Normally, I don’t like too many character perspectives, but I really enjoyed each character’s story line.  Each character is struggling with their own situation. Each character tries to help others but really they need to start helping themselves.  It’s interesting that both Grace and Mitch are therapists, but are struggling so much themselves. I really enjoyed that this book was Canadian, and a majority of it takes place in Montreal which is where I live. I’m so happy I stepped away and came back to this book when I was ready. I really enjoyed it, and would definitely recommend this one. This book was shortlisted for the Giller Prize. 

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