
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, March 13, 2015

Kwe: Standing With Our Sisters Edited by Joseph Boyden

I read this one and really enjoyed the short stories, and poems. Some I liked more than others but more importantly I want to highlight why Joseph Boyden put this book together. After yet another violent assault on a First Nations woman in November 2014, he wanted a call for action and asked fellow writers to contribute to this book. Boyden has donated the proceeds of this 100-page anthology to Amnesty Internationalization No More Stolen Sisters Campaign. This is available as an ebook and only 2.99$


Driven by deep frustration, anger, and sorrow in the wake of yet another violent assault upon a First Nations woman in November 2014, dozens of acclaimed writers and artists have come together to add their voices to a call for action addressing the deep-rooted and horrific crimes that continue to fester in our country.

Kwe means woman in Ojibwe. More specifically, kwe means life-giver or life-carrier in Anishinaabemowin, the Ojibwe language. It is a pure word, one that speaks powerfully of women’s place at the heart of all our First Nations.

These women who bring light and life to our world are in peril. Aboriginal women in our country are three times more likely to face violent attack and murder than any other of their gender. We must take concrete steps to stop this and we must do it now.

A nation is only as good, is only as strong, as how it treats its most vulnerable and those of us in danger. This book is a call to action. It’s sometimes a whisper, sometimes a scream, but we speak our words as one when we demand justice for our more than 1200 murdered and missing Indigenous women. After all, they are our mothers, our daughters, our nieces, our aunties, our sisters, our friend

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