
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Review: The Republic of Dirt by Susan Juby

Publisher: HarperAvenue
Pages: 416
Source: Personal Copy
Released 2015
Rating: 5/5

The Republic of Dirt is the sequel or Home to Woefield. I really loved Home to Woefield and I couldn’t wait to  read about Prudence, Sarah, Seth , Earl and the other characters. Susan Juby’s Woefield books are funny, her characters are unique and enjoyable. The Republic of Dirt is humorous but also tugs at your heart. The characters  on Woefield farm have formed their own family unit. In the first book we learn Prudence inherits the farm, and it’s so run down and nonfunctional. In the sequel, 

Prudence is diagnosed with a thyroid condition, and she’s not much help around the farm. Seth is a recovering alcoholic, Earl is getting older, and little Sarah has to deal with her parents’ divorce.
Sarah’s storyline kept me glued to the pages. She’s so smart, so innocent and she becomes a pawn in her parents game of divorce. I had so many issues with her mother and father. They were so selfish and so frustrating. The story is told through the various characters’ narration, and each voice is unique and adds to the story. I loved Seth, and looked forward to his parts in the book the most.  He will make you laugh out loud.

I highly recommend both books. I enjoyed both and I hope Susan Juby will continue with these books. It's hard to review this one because I don't want to give away too much of the storyline. You can check out my review of Home to Woefield here. In Canada is was actually titled "The Woefield Poultry Collective."

1 comment:

  1. I have Home to Woefield - it sounds like I need to get to it soon.
