
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, September 14, 2015

A Cup of Tea Solves Everything...

Let's chat over a cup of tea...

While I’m exploring the direction of my blog, I wanted to talk about my blog. I started blogging in 2009, I was newly married, working overnights and didn’t have anyone to talk about books. I started Mrs Q Book Addict, and loved the book blogging community. I was a very shy person, and blogging helped me come out of my shell. I signed up for Twitter, had no idea how it worked but slowly became addicted.  Becoming a mom, has REALLY made me come out of my shell. You have no choice; when your toddler waves to every stranger. While I’ve been blogging on and off, since Caleb was born, I could never just delete my blog.  I was okay with leaving the blog and letting it wait for my return. I know I’m not reading as much, and sometimes I just don’t feel like reviewing a book after I finished it. So, I want to review and post about things other than books. I want my blog to be a reflection of who I am. I’m a wife, mom, book lover, tea lover, makeup lover, I also love gadgets. These will be some of the things that I post about. I’m thinking about also throwing in some tried and true recipes that have worked for my family. Crockpot- my best friend! I want to be more open to ideas.  I want my blog to be more creative in content.

Here’s a list of things about me:

  1. Daniel and I met when I was 17 years old. We’ve been together for almost 13 years and married for 6
  2.  I love country music. I’m heartbroken over Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton’s divorce. WTH?
  3.  I’m slowing starting to move away from my love of pink. I don’t have to have everything in pink!
  4.  I love when hockey season starts, because I can guilt free read and Daniel is occupied for the evening.  Go Montreal!
  5. I’m Native American, Mi’kmaw and it’s really important to me. I also hate when people tell me I don’t “look Native.” Or ask what percentage I am...
  6. I was a huge Apple fan, but the internal storage and cost of the new phones made me move to a Samsung note, and I don’t regret it. I love my phone. Sorry, Apple!
  7.  I really want a decorative planner, but I don’t think I can switch from an electronic planner. I currently use the app Planner Plus.
  8.  I watch a lot of YouTube during the week. It’s my way of blocking out coworkers. It works, and I learned the magic art of concealer. #darkcirclesonfleek #toddlerdoesntsleepthroughthenight
  9.  I hate driving. I passed my license at 17, my dad asked me if I wanted to drive home, and I said “Nope.”  I rather walk or take the bus.
  10. I hate vegetables…honest. I don't consider myself a good cook, but I really want to work on that. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad I can drive but I don't love it the way my husband does. I want a planner too, but they're expensive!
