
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Friday, September 11, 2015

Friday Update

Life Update:

I'm so happy it's Friday! My husband has been working longer hours, and it seems like the weeks are more exhausting. Since Daniel has been getting up, and leaving earlier, Caleb wakes up earlier. He usually wakes up around 6:00 and now he's been waking up at 5-5:30. I don't know what it is about Caleb but he does not sleep past 6:30- at the latest. Even if he's had a horrible night, he still wakes up early. So, I'll be hoping to get a few naps in with Caleb this weekend. He's starting swimming on Sunday, and I really hope he likes it.

Next week I will start implementing my new meal planning system. I'm been feeling overwhelmed lately, and thought I need to change this. I know I'm most happy when I'm organized, and feel like I'm in control. So, I'm trying out meal planning. I think I will meal plan and shop weekly. I'm using an electronic planner, since it will be in my phone and tablet. I'm currently using Planner Plus, and really liking the layout. I also added "Out of Milk" and decided to make a list of ingredients that I need. Usually, I have no list and when it comes time to make something, I don't have everything. I think this will really help my stress level. I work full time, and it's honestly not easy. Caleb still doesn't sleep his night and I don't think he ever will...We co-sleep and he still doesn't sleep his nights.

I really want to get back into blogging, and plan to incorporate more than just books, since I'm not reading as much as I use to but I have other things that enjoy. I'm really been into beauty products lately. I watch alot of Youtube. I started realizing that I never wanted to me in pictures with Caleb because I looked so tired, and exhausted. I thought to myself, I don't have to feel like that. I started learning more about makeup, and decided that taking ten minutes out of my morning and applying makeup makes me feel better about myself. So, I might incorporate some makeup reviews as well. I'm not sure the direction my blog will take, but I'm excited to see where it goes.  

Here's a cute video of my little man, who has mad dancing skills. 


  1. I totally agree with you about the whole "being in control and organized". I have been meal planning and cooking one day a week for about 4 months now. I will admit the "cooking" day for me is a pain, as I HATE cooking, but I admit it does work out well when I don't have to worry about what I will eat or even having to prepare it during the week. So, I think you have a great idea there.

    Also, I noticed, from our initial group of bloggers, many of us don't blog anymore or have changed how they blog. I think that's normal as we grow and our lives change. I will look forward to reading your blog :)

    As for Caleb, as you know, i do think the is adorable, as always.
