
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Monday, November 28, 2016

Review: Blackberry Winter by Sarah Jio

Publisher: Plume
Released: 2012
Pages: 290
Source: Personal Copy

May 2011- Claire is a reporter working for a Seattle Newspaper. She’s asked to cover the “blackberry winter” snowstorm and compare it to a twin snowstorm that took place in 1933. As Claire begins to research the 1933 snowstorm, she discovers that a little boy went missing during the storm. Claire is clearly broken, she suffered a loss, and her marriage is barely hanging on. She hasn’t felt motivated in awhile, but she throws herself into this story. Her husband is the managing editor of the newspaper, his family are the owners. They work together but barely speak to each other. She has no idea what to do about her marriage but she uses the story to distract herself.

May 1933- Vera Ray is a single mother trying to provide for her three year old son. Vera is forced to leave her son home alone during the night to go to work. If she doesn’t go, her job will be gone and she’s on the verge of being evicted from their apartment. A freak May Snowstorm erupts and when Vera returns home, she can’t find her son. His teddy bear is left in the snow, the police think he ran away and will come back. She’s desperate to find her son.

Blackberry Winter intricately weaves two story lines, keeping the reader captivated. Both Claire and Vera are well developed characters. The pacing of the novel was well done, leaving the reader intrigued by both story lines. As a reader, if I’m more caught up with one story line, I tend to want to skip the story line that i’m not as interested in. This book had me enjoying both, equally.

This was my second Sarah Jio book that I read, and I really want to continue reading her books. She blends the past with the present, beautifully. Her writing is great. I really have a hard time putting her books down.

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