
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Downton Abbey

I don't watch much television, but I kept hearing about Downton Abbey on twitter. I was really curious about the show, I finally downloaded Season 1 from Itunes and I'm hooked! I'm on my last episode and will be downloading Season 2 shortly. If you haven't watched this series, I highly recommend it!

Have you been watching?


  1. Isn't it good?!! Big fans at my house.

  2. I love Downton Abbey! Such a good show! Can't wait for season 3!!

  3. Oh yes! Love Downton! I'm surprised you didnt watch it with all the Twitter parties going on in January with the new season.

  4. ooh i wonder if I could watch this on netflix..love the trailer..eep!

  5. I've been wanting to watch this series. Now I'm definitely going to have to watch it on Netflix.

  6. I watched the first season, and then bought the second on disc. I haven't watched it yet, because I know I would be caught in a huge time suck until I finished all the episodes, and then I would have to wait for season 3! I will be watching though, sometime soon!

  7. The wait for season 3 is killing me!

  8. I keep hearing about this too but I keep thinking I wouldn't like it... I should give it a try!

  9. I love this show ! I just finished re-watching it. I can't wait for the 3rd season in January. The first season is on Netflix and the second season is on Amazon Instant Video.

  10. I haven't gotten a chance to watch this show yet. I really want to!

  11. I did exactly the same after hearing all the fuss about Downton Abbey. I ended up watching both series plus the Xmas special over just one weekend. I barely moved from my sofa!
