
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Review: A Million Suns by Beth Revis

Publisher: Razorbill
Pages: 400
Released: 2011
Source: Personal Copy
Rating: 4/5

**Book 2**


A Million Suns picks up immediate after Across the Universe. It’s clear that the ship has been told lies over and over again. A lot has happened and the ship’s citizens are on the verge of rioting and chaos. People have decided to stop working, withhold food for those they don’t believe deserve it, and violence ensues. Elder has become Eldest, and he needs to figure out the best way to deal with his people. Elder wonders if taking them of phydus was a good choice. Every choice he makes has consequences. Meanwhile, Amy discovers that Orion has provided her with clues to secrets on the ship. The ship is in a state of decline physically, and the people are mentally suffering.


A Million Suns was every bit as action packed as Across the Universe. Readers dive back into Revis’ world and immediately become consumed with life on the ship. Amy was always in danger, and now more so. She’s the only different looking person on the ship, and as soon as her cryo chamber became unfrozen, life on the ship has changed. She’s now an even bigger target.

Elder decides that he doesn’t want anyone to refer to him as “eldest” but when he loses control of the ship, he struggles with figuring out how to be a leader. Elder and Amy are attracted to each other, but are very standoffish due to their current living conditions. Amy feels like Elder only has her as an option and she wants to believe that even with options, he would still choose her.

This year I planned to read more young adult, and this series has really helped me get back into the genre. The complicated world is complex and clearly laid out for readers. Revis does an amazing job with world building. I highly recommend this series.

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  1. I've met Revis a couple of times and just love her. I'm kind of avoiding her books because they're outside my comfort zone and I'm afraid I won't like them.

  2. Another series I'm wanting to read...*sigh*. I've planned to read more YA too this year. I'm adding this to my ever-growing list...

  3. I still haven't started Across the Universe, but I plan to read that one and this one rather soon. My daughter read Across the Universe and said that it was one of her favorites. I am glad that you loved it too!

  4. I've been wanting to read this series for a while now. I just keep reading such amazing reviews of it, and really think it's one I'd enjoy.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I loved this book too. I think Beth Revis is amazing. Good review.

    Marlene Detierro (H1 Accessories)

  7. Your review has just made me want this book even more! I really cannot wait to get back to Godspeed, Elder and Amy. Great review! :)
    Air Conditioning Dallas
