
Be omnivorous, don't just read one kind of book, read everything. - Richard Wagamese

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

If We Were Having Tea...

Hi Everyone!

If we were having tea, I'd mention...

This weekend we went to visit the Montreal Science Center and visited the Unearthed 2 exhibit. Caleb's been really into dinosaurs and we thought he would love this. The exhibit was pretty interesting and Caleb loved the animatronic dinosaurs. He was a little scared of them, but was really impressed. This exhibit will be here until March. We really want to go back to the Science Center and explore a little more. It's pretty close to home, and a great place to visit on the weekend. We're hoping to find more things to do around our city and make a point to take Caleb. So much of our weekends are spend running errands, that we want to make sure we take the time out to have family time. 

I've been reading Bone and Bread by Saleema Nawaz. I'm 41% into the book and really enjoying it. I'm hoping to read all the Canada Reads selections before the competition. This is the first book I'm reading. The theme this year is starting over, and I'm trying to keep that in mind when I'm reading. I'll probably post a review when I'm done.

I haven't been watching much tv, that's pretty normal for me. We have started rewatching Entourage on Crave TV. I'm on my free trial and like the selection, but we keep getting error messages regarding our internet connection. It's really annoying, and doesn't happen when we watch Netflix. Anyone else have problems with Crave?

All in all, I'm hoping to post more frequently this month, and read more. 

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